Capercaillie perform a set at Glasgow's Royal Concert Hall, in celebration of their 30th-anniversary tour.
Capercaillie: còmhlan air a bheil meas agus iarraidh mhòr aig an fhèis agus iad a' comharrachadh clach-mhìle nan deich bliadhna fichead aca. Mas e Talla Rìoghail Ghlaschu an dachaigh spioradail aig Celtic Connections, tha fios gur e Capercaillie còmhlan-ciùil na dachaigh sin.
A' tarraing air an stuth as ùire aca agus cuid den cheòl is òrain a tha air an toirt gu mullach nan clà ran ciùil, bidh Capercaillie a' cur an cliù sin an gèill gu là idir ann an talla a bhios là n chun a' mhullaich.
Còmhla riutha air an oidhche sin bidh Kathleen NicAonghais, Sìneag Nic an t-Saoir, Kris Drever, Gerry O'Connor agus Mark Duff 's iad uile a' toirt spèis do chomhlan ciùil a tha air an ìre as à irde a ruighinn.
Capercaillie with a concert set celebrating their 30th anniversary tour. With Glasgow's Royal Concert Hall being known as the spiritual home of the festival, then surely Capercaillie can be branded the house band.
Drawing on both their latest material and a repertoire which has taken the band to the top of the music charts, Capercaillie flex their considerable musical might in front of a packed house. The band are joined by a superb array of special guests including Kathleen MacInnes, Sineag MacIntyre, Kris Drever, Gerry O'Connor and Mark Duff.
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