Episode 3
Performances from the 2014 Piping Live festival. In this episode, uillean piper Paddy Keenan is in session. Also performing are Fred Morrison and Simon McKerrell.
Ceòl bho Fhèis Piping Live 2014. Seiseanan-ciùil tradiseanta. Am measg na gaisgich-ciùil sa phrògram seo, tha am pìobaire-uilne ainmeil Paddy Keenan; sà r chluicheadair-ciùil a dh'ath-bheothaich ceòl na h-Èireann agus a thug buaidh mhòr air cuid a phìobairean Albannach leithid Fred Moireasdan. Tha Fred e fhèin a' tarraing sluagh còmhla aig Fèis Piping Live, 's e taisbeanadh a
stoidhle-ciùil sònraichte, sgileil air beulaibh nan camarathan le puirt là n faireachdainn 's spionnadh.
Traditional music sessions featuring a rare appearance from legendary Uillean piper Paddy Keenan, a musician who re-ignited Irish music and who influenced Scottish musicians like Fred Morrison. A man who can fill halls to bursting wherever he plays, Fred makes a typically energetic appearance in front of the cameras.
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Fred Morrison – Kyle Howie Set
Duration: 03:05
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