Episode 4
A look at the most important stories from across Europe.
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Aithneachadh dha cà irdeasan aona-ghnèitheach
Tha Calum ann an Estòinia, far a bheil lagh ùr gus na h-aon chòirichean a th’ aig daoine a tha pòsta cuideachd a thoirt dha daoine a th’ ann an cà irdeas aona-ghnèitheach. ‘S i Estòinia a' chiad seann dùthaich Shoibhiatach a tha air a leithid a dhèanamh, ach chan eil a' chùis air a bhith gun chonnspaid. ‘S ann air èiginn a chaidh an lagh tron phà rlamaid, agus tha mòran anns an dùthaich seo a tha gu là idir na aghaidh.
Recognition of same-sex couples in Estonia
Calum is in Estonia, where a new law will extend the legal rights of marriage to people in same-sex relationships. Estonia is the first former Soviet country to do this. However the decision was not without controversy, the law only passed through Parliament on a very small majority and there was a very high-profile campaign from opponents of the act.
An cà irdeas eadar a’ Phòlainn agus an Ruis

The relationship between Poland and Russia

Many things can affect the conflict between two countries – economy, religion, war, land ownership? But with the long history between Poland and Russia, this runs deeper than what can be seen on the surface. The relationship between these two countries has never been easy, but after the Ukrainian conflict it remains particularly tense. After the food import ban imposed by Russia on Poland, after further EU sanctions on Russia, Anne Lundon investigates the impact this is having on Poland.Â
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Calum Maclean |
Presenter | Anne Lundon |
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Gaelic current affairs reporting on political, social and cultural issues across Europe