Megan and Derek enjoy Halloween in their new home and pupils from Loch Carron Primary School strive to succeed in the new improved space-hopper challenge.
Tha Megan agus Derek l脿n sp貌rs Oidhche Shamhna. Eadar sgeulachdan eagallach, taibhsean agus guiseadh, bidh gu l猫or a' dol san sti霉idio. 'S i Iona 脿 Glaschu a bhios ag innse mu na rudan as fhe脿rr leatha agus bidh sgoilearan 脿 Bun-sgoil Loch Carainn a' str矛 ann am Puingean nam Boingean.
Megan and Derek enjoy Halloween in their new home. From scary stories to ghosts and guising, there is a lot of spooky fun in the studio. Iona from Glasgow details her favourite pastimes and pupils from Loch Carron Primary School strive to succeed in the new improved space-hopper challenge.
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Tha sgeulachd neo dh脿 aig Derek ri innse air Oidhche Shamhna
Duration: 06:52