Relive some of the stories in the headlines during 1992, through archive footage and chart hits. John Smith becomes leader of the Labour Party and the US Navy pulls out of Dunoon.
Sealladh air na sgeulachdan a bh' anns na naidheachdan ann an 1992 cuide ri taghadh de cheòl na bliadhna. Am measg na thachair: sgioba na h-Alba a' gabhail pà irt ann am Farpais Euro 92, chaidh Iain Mac a' Ghobhainn a thaghadh mar cheannard air na Là baraich agus dh'fhà g Nèibhi na Stà itean Aonaichte Dùn Omhain às dèidh iomadh bliadhna san sgìre.
Am measg nan taghaidhean ciùil: I Will Always Love You bho Whitney Houston, I Can't Dance bho Genesis agus Take That le Could it be Magic?.
Experience some of the stories hitting the headlines in 1992 through archive footage and the year's chart hits: the Scotland football team travel to Sweden for the Euro 92 Championships, John Smith is elected leader of the Labour Party and the US Navy pulls out of Dunoon.
The year's chart hits include I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston, I Can't Dance by Genesis and Take That with Could it be Magic?
Last on
Bha Chris a’ siubhal astar mòr airson ball-coise a chluich!
Duration: 01:27
Bha long Lochlannach air chall faisg air Steòrnabhagh
Duration: 02:17
Music Played
Crowded House
Weather With You
Tasmin Archer
Sleeping Satellite
Drove All Night
Walking On Broken Glass
Could It Be Magic
Rhythm Is A Dancer '92
Kris Kross
Dr. Alban
It's My Life
I Can't Dance
The KLF Featuring Tammy Wynette
Justified And Ancient
Whitney Houston
I Will Always Love You
Shakespears Sister
I Love Your Smile
Charles And Eddie
Would I Lie To You?
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