Isle of Rum
Series in which cook and artist Heather Dewar explores Hebridean communities. In this episode, Heather visits the Isle of Rum, the largest of the Small Isles.
Anns a'phrògram seo tha Fraoch a'tadhal air ¸éù³¾, am fear is motha dhe na h-Eileanan Beaga. Tha e le Dualchas Nà dair na h-Alba agus tha e air a bhi na Thèarmann Nà dair Nà iseanta bho 1957. Bha e fada dùinte dhan mhòrshluagh - ach tha'n doras gu math fosgailte an diugh.
Tha Fraoch a' tadhal air Caisteal Cheannloch, an dachaigh annasach a thog am fear-gnìomhachais John Bullough dha fhèin. Tha i a'tarraing dhealbh nan each Rumach, le searrach air ùr bhreith nam measg, agus tha fòrsair an eilein ga toirt a lorg balgain-buachrach Chanterelle.
Tha i cuideachd a'tachairt air a'choimhearsnachd a tha a'fàs anns an Tèarmann, agus a'cluinntinn mar a tha cruiteireachd air tighinn beò air an eilean a-rithist.
In this programme Heather visits the Isle of Rum, the largest of the Small Isles. The island is owned by Scottish Natural Heritage and has been designated a National Nature Reserve since 1957. For decades it was regarded as closed to the public but today it's very much open to visitors.
During her time on the island, Heather visits Kinloch Castle, the weird and wonderful brainchild of the industrialist John Bullough. She sketches the beautiful Rum ponies - and a newly born foal - and the island's Ranger takes her foraging for Chanterelle mushrooms.
Heather also meets the growing community that exists alongside the Reserve and learns how crofting has returned to the island for the first time in decades.
Last on
Bha goireasan gu math ùr aig Caisteal Cheann Loch
Duration: 02:18
Tha balgan-buachair glè bhlasda a’ fà s air ¸éù³¾
Duration: 01:59
Tha diofar sheòrsaichean cloich air Eilean ¸éù³¾
Duration: 01:19
Tha eich Ghà idhealach ri fhaicinn air ¸éù³¾
Duration: 01:17
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