The girls are allowed to go to the disco as long as they promise to phone home. However, in their excitement, they forget their responsibilities.
Faodaidh a' chlann-nighean a dhol gu diosgo cho fad 's a gheallas iad f貌nadh dhachaigh agus am bus fhaighinn aig naoi uairean. Ach, air am be貌-ghlacadh le suidheachadh neo-脿bhaisteach, tha iad a' d矛ochuimhneachadh mun f貌n.
The girls are allowed to go to the disco as long as they promise to phone home and catch the 9pm bus back. However, they get caught up in the excitement of things and forget their responsibilities.
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Coimhead Gealladh
Pr貌graman 23 - Gealladh / Episode 23 - Disco
Tidsearan & P脿rantan
This episode can be used to generate discussion about personal responsibility. Further information is available at bbc.co.uk/ceisteanlara.
Mun a' phr貌graim seo
The girls are allowed to go to the disco as long as they promise to phone home and catch the 9pm bus back. However, they get caught up in the excitement of things and forget their responsibilities.
Anns a鈥 Chlas
Faodar am pr貌gram seo a chleachdadh airson c貌mhradh mu dhleastanasan pearsanta a bhrosnachadh. Tha an sgeulachd ga dh猫anamh furasta faighneachd don chlas 鈥淒猫 dh猫anadh sibhse?鈥 airson beachdachadh air d猫 eile a dh鈥檉haodadh a bhith air tachairt do na caractaran.聽 Bidh e cuideachd feumail airson c貌mhradh a bhrosnachadh mu sh脿bhailteachd pearsanta agus mu chunnart.
CfE: Sl脿inte agus Sunnd - E貌lasan & Builean:
Na pr貌graman gu l猫ir
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