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Series chronicling eight months in the lives of the people of Harris. A fishing competition is held on Sammy's lochs and Robin goes on a deer stalking course.

Sreath a tha a' leantainn sgeulachdan cuid dhe na daoine a tha a' fuireach ann an eilean àlainn na Hearadh, gu h-àraid muinntir a chinn a tuath, ach le sgrìob neo dha gu deas cuideachd! Bho chionn deich bliadhna, fhuair muinntir cheann a tuath na Hearadh sealbh air an fhearann air a bheil iad a' fuireach agus chaidh Urras Cheann a Tuath na Hearadh a' stèidheachadh airson an oighreachd a' ruith as leth na coimhearsnachd.

Se coimhearsnachd sgaipte a th'ann le deugachadh de bhailtean beag, ach chaneil ach timcheall air seachd ceud neach a' fuireach anns a cheann a tuath air fad. Gach seachdainn, bi sinn a' cur eòlas air muinntir an àite. Anns an coigeamh prògram, tha farpais iasgaich ga cumail air na lochan aig Sammy, tha buidhean bho Chlub Sealg na Hearadh a' dol a-mach dha na beanntan agus tha Akram a' cumail fèill reic anns an t-eilean Sgìtheanach.

Series chronicling eight months in the lives of the people of Harris in the Outer Hebrides. The programmes focus mostly on North Harris, an area of rugged beauty with spectacular scenery and wildlife, with the occasional trip to the south of the island, best known for its stunning beaches.
Ten years ago, the people of North Harris took ownership of the land on which they live and the North Harris Trust was formed to run the estate on behalf of the community.

It is sparsely populated with around 700 residents who live in villages dotted around the area. Each episode follows the stories of some of the most engaging characters who live in this unique island community. In this programme, a fishing competition is held on Sammy's lochs, Akram sets up shop in Skye, and Robin goes on a deer stalking course.

30 minutes

Last on

Fri 30 Mar 2018 19:30
