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Episode 17

Episode 17 of 26

Join Kerry Anne Macleod and Allan MacDonald with fun experiments you can try at home, with how to make your own movies on a budget and discover the secrets of hidden creatures!

Thig cuide ri Kerry Anne NicLeòid is Ailean Dòmhnallach airson saidheans a thoirt beò le deuchainnean spòrsail a tha furasta fheuchainn aig an taigh. Am measg na tha ann am prògram an latha an-diugh: mar a nì thu film air buidsead agus faigh a-mach dè th'aig bonn nan lochan-creige!

Join Kerry Anne Macleod and Allan MacDonald as they bring science to life with fun experiments you can try at home. Among today's challenges: how to make your own movies on a budget and discover the secrets of hidden creatures!

25 minutes

Anns a’ phrògram-sa

Tha Kerry Anne agus Ailean a’ toirt sealladh air na deuchainnean iongantach seo - carson nach fheuch thu fhèin orra:

  • mar a nì thu film air buidsead
  • deuchainn gaoithe do mhòran
  • dìomhaireachdan chreutairean falaichte
  • dè th’ aig bonn nan lochan-creige
  • mar a nithear surfadh-bailiùn
  • agus ag amas air a’ ghealaich!

In this episode

  • make your own movies on a budget
  • conduct a test for windbags
  • discover the secrets of hidden creatures
  • get to the bottom of rock-pools
  • be a balloon surfer
  • and aim for the moon!


Role Contributor
Presenter Allan MacDonald
Presenter Kerry Anne MacLeod
