Episode 2
Air an Rathad is back with a new series of top cars, top speeds and top entertainment!
Aon chà r spòrs air leth luath - an Lotus Exige S. Aon duine a tha air bhioran - Calum Iain. Cuir an dà rud sin còmhla agus dè tha e a' toirt dhut ach Mgr MacCoinnich a' dol mun cuairt raon-rèisidh Lotus aig peilear a bheatha, a' falbh nas luaithe na bhathar a-riamh roimhe air Air an Rathad! Fhad 's a tha Calum Iain a' faighinn cuairt de fhactaraidh Lotus ann an Norfolk tha Murray a' dol timcheall Bhealladair ann am Brà igh Dhè ann an Cà r na Cruinne airson na bliadhna seo, an VW Up.
Tha Cudaig a' taghadh seann chà r eile agus tha Calum Iain air an aon rà mh ris - ach dè am fear? Feumaidh tu coimhead gus sin fhaighinn a-mach!
Agus tha sinn air ais aig rèisean Wacky Races airson barrachd spòrs agus geamaichean le cà raichean nach eil cho spaideil 's a bha!
One super fast sports car - the Lotus Exige S. One super excited presenter - Calum Iain. Mix them together and you have Mr Mackenzie giving it welly round the Lotus test track, breaking the previous Air an Rathad top speed by miles! While Calum Iain gets a tour of the Lotus factory in Norfolk, Murray is taking a wee run around Ballater on Royal Deeside in the World Car of the Year, the VW Up.
Cudig shares another classic car choice and Calum Iain is in complete agreement - but what is it? You'll have to tune in to find out!
And we're back on the Wacky Race track for more fun and games with cars long past their sell by dates...
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Tha Calum Iain a’ toirt sùil air factaraidh Lotus
Duration: 01:00
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Calum Iain Mackenzie |
Presenter | Murray MacLeod |
Presenter | Fiona MacKenzie |
Presenter | Donald Macleod |
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