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Solar Panels and Mortgages, Friends Reunited and Football Advertising

Could free rent-a-roof solar panel deals reduce your options when it comes to switching your mortgage? And should football clubs advertise for payday loan companies?

Could free rent-a-roof solar panel deals reduce your options when it comes to switching your mortgage? Or even make it more difficult to sell your house?

Also - a group of football supporters is trying to remove adverts for the payday loan company from their club websites. But how important are these ads to club revenue streams?

And when was the last time you looked at Friends Reunited? Britain's first big social networking website is relaunching itself as a place to share memories. But will it work?

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55 minutes


  • Getaway gone away

    The roads are expected to be much quieter than last Easter but ferry sales are up.

    Duration: 06:45

  • Wonga football

    Some football fans have started a campaign to persuade their clubs to remove adverts for payday lender from their websites.

    Duration: 07:49

  • Solar panels and mortgages

    Rent-a-roof free solar panel installation deals may offer cut price electricity, but could they make it more difficult to remortgage or sell your house?

    Duration: 11:55

  • TripAdvisor complaints over internet giant Google

    Google is being invesitgated by the European Commission after a number of complaints about competitve search ranking.

    Duration: 04:42

  • Face cream scam

    Another listener is snared by the Perfect Radiance "free" face cream offer that costs much more than she expected.

    Duration: 04:10

  • The jam that's not a jam

    We revisit the story of Clippy McKenna and her apple preserve, which under EU rules isn鈥檛 allowed to be labelled 'jam' due to its relatively low sugar content.

    Duration: 03:08

  • Friends Reunited Relaunched

    The UK's first social network fell out of favour after being bought by ITV - can a relaunch help it reclaim the high ground it once stalked?

    Duration: 05:47

  • Free 0800 calls from mobiles

    The telecoms regulator Ofcom wants calls from mobile phones to 0800 numbers to be free in future.

    Duration: 05:59


  • Thu 5 Apr 2012 12:00



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