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Episode 2

Le gearraidhean mòra air buidseat na slàinte ann an Innis Tile, tha Iain Macaonghais a' rannsachadh dè a' bhuaidh a tha gu bhith air seirbheisean agus air euslaintaich.

With major health budget cuts in Iceland, Iain MacInnes examines what the effect will be on services and on patients.

30 minutes

Seirbheis slàinte Innis Tìle

Seirbheis slàinte Innis Tìle

Bho dh'fhuiling an eaconomaidh aca gu mòr ann an dà mhìle sa h-ochd, tha Innis Tìle air a bhith a' gearradh air ais gu mòr. Ach le buidseat air fàire an ath-sheachdain tha draghan a' nochdadh mun a' bhuaidh a bheir gearraidhean eile air seirbheisean - gu h-àraidh seirbheisean slàinte. Chaidh ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ a bhruidhinn ri cuid a tha a' cleachdadh nan seirbheisean sin ann an roinnean eadar-dhealaichte gus beachd fhaighinn air a' bhuaidh a tha iadsan a' faireachdainn mu thràth ri linn nan gearraidhean. Gheibh sinn beachd cuideachd bho eòlaichean meidigeach agus bhon riaghaltas, agus beachd a' nochdadh gu bheil fada cus uallach air cathrannasan aig an àm dhuilich seo.

Icelandic health service

Icelandic health service

Since the economic crash of 2008, Iceland has been cutting back enormously on spending. But ahead of next week's budget, concerns are being raised about the impact further cuts will have, especially on health services. ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ visited some of those using the services, to get an idea of how current cuts are affecting them. We also talked to medical experts and to the government, asking whether too much responsibility is being placed on charity in these austere times.

Gàrraidhean-iarrainn Chroatia

Gàrraidhean-iarrainn Chroatia
Tha gàrraidhean-iarrainn mòra Chroatia air a bhith leis an stàit bho lathaichean Iùgo-Slàbhia. Tha iad air maireachdainn mar sin tro chogaidhean is staing eaconamach a lean. An-diugh, tha iad a' toirt cosnadh dha na mìltean ann am bailtean leithid Rijeka, Pula, is Split. Ach, tha lathaichean mi-chinnteach air fàire.

Croatian shipyards

Croatian shipyards
Croatia's largest shipyards have been state-owned since the days of Yugoslavia. They have withstood wars as well as the economic problems which followed. Today they provide work for thousands in cities like Rijeka, Pula, and Split. However, uncertainty looms.

Six out of seven of Croatia's state-owned yards have been losing money, accumulating debt, and continuing to operate only through state subsidies. However, Croatia's impending EU membership will to call an end to such subsidies. European laws prevent a government from propping up a shipyard through state subsidies. The Croatian government is now trying to sell its shipyards, looking for private investors to take them over and restructure them.

Darren Laing has been in Croatia, asking what this means for the industry and its workers.


Role Contributor
Presenter Iain MacInnes


91Èȱ¬ Naidheachdan

91Èȱ¬ Naidheachdan

Naidheachdan agus fiosrachadh sa Ghàidhlig bhon a' BhBC
