Episode 1
Anne Morrison presents music from the Northern Nashville Caithness Country Music Festival. Among the artists are local band The Jacks and international star Rick Trevino.
Tha Anne Mhoireasdan a' toirt thugainn cuid de na pìosan as fheà rr bho Fèis Ceòl Dùthchail Nashville a Tuath a tha a' gabhail à ite gach bliadhna ann an Sgìre Ghallaibh. Cluinnear seinneadairean is còmhlain-ciùil bhon sgìre fhèin agus bho fhad' is farsaing. Nam measg The Jacks agus Rick Trevino. A bharrachd air a' chèol, tha Anne a' coinneachadh ris an t-seinneadair Amber Digby à Texas 's iad a' dol timcheall Caisteal Mhà igh còmhla agus iad le chèile airson cuid dha na seallaidhean fhaicinn fhads a tha iad san sgìre. Cluinnear cuideachd bho na Chicken Pickers - còmhlain-ciùil le balaich òg a bhuinneas don sgìre fhèin.
Anne Morrison presents musical highlights from the Northern Nashville Caithness Country Music Festival. Among the artists are local band The Jacks and international star Rick Trevino. Anne meets Texan singer Amber Digby as they explore the Castle of Mey together as well as meeting with the Chicken Pickers - a young local band who nervously take to the stage.
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Rick Trevino – Overnight Success
Duration: 03:03
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