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Episode 2
Episode 2 of 6
The pick of the best sets from the 15th Hebridean Celtic Music Festival, presented by Niall Iain Macdonald from Lewis Castle Green in Stornoway.
An taghadh as fhe脿rr bho Fh猫is Cheilteach Innse Gall, is Niall Iain D貌mhnallach a cuir f脿ilte oirbh 脿 Ste貌rnabhagh le measgachadh sgoinneal de che貌l is tachartasan na F猫is.
The pick of the best sets from the 15th Hebridean Celtic Music Festival, presented by Niall Iain Macdonald from Lewis Castle Green in Stornoway.
Last on
Fri 21 Jan 2011