Proms a' tighinn a dh' Alba. The US-style school prom comes to Scotland.
Le Proms Ameireaganach a-nis mar ph脿irt de sgoiltean na h-Alba, tha Trusadh a' cur seachad 霉ine le deugairean Albannach agus iad ag ullachadh airson oidhche mh貌r. Chuireadh na dreasaichean daor, stoidhlichean gruaig agus fi霉s na limos eagal air a h-uile p脿rant, ach bho Ulapul gu Glaschu, 's e am Prom an oidhche as cudromaich anns a' bhliadhna airson t貌rr dhaoine 貌g.
With the American-style school prom now firmly part of Scottish school life, Trusadh spends time with some Scottish teenagers preparing for their big night. Expensive frocks, hair-dos and even limos - often a parent's nightmare but from Ullapool to Glasgow the school prom is the highlight of the year for many young people.