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Tony Roper

Episode 25 of 40

Tha Cathy NicDh貌mhnaill cuide ris a chleasaiche, sti霉iriche is sgr矛obhaiche Tony Roper. Cathy Macdonald spends a day with actor, writer and director Tony Roper.

Cathy enjoys the company of Glasgow actor, writer and director Tony Roper for a day as he shares his habits and gripes with her! A keen cigar smoker, they take a walk by his local loch and discuss what motivates and annoys him. Being a committed Celtic FC fan, he also takes Cathy to Celtic Park as well as to a meeting of the board of charity football club Dukla Pumpherston Sawmill and Tannery for which he made his playing debut at the age of 47.

Tha Cathy NicDh貌mhnaill ann a companaidh an cleasaiche, sgr矛obhadair agus sti霉iriche ainmeil 脿 Glaschu, Tony Roper, 's e a bruidhinn mu ghearanan agus a chleachdaidhean! D猫idheil air a bhith a smocadh siog脿r, tha e a gabhail cuairt c貌mhla ri Cathy ri taobh loch faisg air a dhachaigh. A' bruidhinn mu rudan a bhitheas dha dh猫anamh feargach, tha e a toirt iomradh air luchd-poilitaigs gu h-araidh! As deidh turas gu Pairce Celtic, tha iad a' dol gu coinneamh eadar buill b霉ird an sgioba ball-coise Dukla Pumpherston Sawmill and Tannery, sgioba a bhitheas a cluich c貌mhla airson airgead a choisinn do bhuidheanan charthannais.

30 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Cathy MacDonald
Producer Alasdair MacKinnon
