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Freud/Ernest Jones & Psychoanalysis - Suicide Bombings - Chocolate Cravings

Dr Raj Persaud presents the series exploring current developments in psychology and psychiatry.

Ernest Jones has been called “Freud’s wizard”. He founded the British Psychoanalytical Society and helped rescue Freud and his family from the Nazis. Fifty years on from the publication of Jones’ seminal biography of Sigmund Freud, we review the current health of the psychoanalytic movement in the UK.
Dr. Raj Persaud spoke to Dr David Bell, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the British Psychoanalytical Society and a consultant psychiatrist at the Tavistock Clinic in London. He described how Ernest Jones’ biography of Freud is now regarded, fifty years after publication.
Archive recordings of Ernest Jones and Sir Cyril Burt.

The recent worldwide increase in suicide bombings raises the question of the individual psychology of a person who is prepared to sacrifice themselves, in order to commit mass murder for a cause. Can we expect psychiatry and psychology to provide answers about the suicide bombers’ “state of mind”?
Dr. Raj Persaud discussed the issue with Professor Alan Apter, a psychiatrist at the Schneider Children’s Hospital in Israel, who has attempted to answer this question in a recent paper in the academic journal, ‘Crisis’.

Research suggests chocolate, one of the commonest sources of food cravings, may have health benefits and may even cause the same chemical high derived from recreational drugs.
At the Black Dog Institute in Sydney, Gordon Parker and Joanna Crawford noticed that several patients in the depression clinic reported that they craved chocolate in particular when they were low. This led them to conduct research looking at the link between chocolate craving, mood and personality, which has recently been published in the British Journal of Psychiatry. Dr. Raj Persaud spoke to Joanna Crawford about the findings of the research.

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30 minutes


  • Tue 18 Dec 2007 21:00
  • Wed 19 Dec 2007 16:30

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How to Manage Your Worries

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