The Long View Episodes Available now
Brexit Special
The Long View marks a year to go with a Brexit special edition.
Catalonia and Cornwall
Jonathan Freedland looks at past events which shed light on present-day controversies.
Catalonia and Cornwall
Jonathan Freedland compares the Catalonia crisis with a moment in Cornish history.
The rise of Uber and the plight of London's watermen
Jonathan Freedland compares the plight of black cab drivers with that of 18thC watermen.
Russian meddling in the American democratic process
Jonathan Freedland compares attempts to interfere in elections.
Weakened Prime Ministers
Jonathan Freedland compares Theresa May's weakened premiership with Lord Rosebery in 1894.
Jonathan Freedland takes the long, unshaven view of the recent fashion for beard-wearing.
Cyber-attacks and the Great Siege of Dover Castle
Jonathan Freedland compares cyber-attacks today with the Siege of Dover Castle in 1216.
Grenfell Tower and Watson Street fire tragedies
Jonathan Freedland takes the Long View of landmark fire tragedies.
Grass-roots politics with the Conservative Primrose League in the 1880s and Momentum today