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What does Shula look like?
Many Archers fans famously avoid pictures of Archers cast members because it ruins the image they have in their head of Ambridge residents...
Which prompted us to curiously ask: what do Archers fans imagine looks like?
Admittedly, there was a recurring theme...
And don't forget the hair shirt...
"Hair the colour of day-old porridge"
About 5'9, slender but sinewy with saddlebags where the fat is dropping off the muscle. Shortish feathery bob with a nod to the 70s that she can't let go of and a blonde wash that's a bit faded. A bit weathered and freckled due to being outdoorsy her whole life and a look of worry until she sees a friend in the village where she breaks out a thin but warm and relieved smile. [Sophie Constant on Facebook]
A royal air...
Disapproval in jodhpurs and pearls
Pious in an alice band...
Sturdy calves...
"Pale but ruddy cheeks from riding and fresh air, thin lipped, thin faced. About 5' 6'' slim size 12. Sturdy calves..." [Vivian Wells on ]
Brown pageboy haircut...
Brown pageboy haircut and a no-nonsense weather-raddled face with no makeup and a permanently pinched and disapproving expression. She wears a smelly ancient Barbour jacket with a tweed skirt if she’s not in breeches, along with Hunter wellies. Build-wise, I think she’s quite short and dumpy and doesn’t have the body of a natural rider but gets away with it because she’s been at it so long. [Vicki Hallett on ]
Plaquey teeth, bad breath...
Sensible cardigans (three)...
Guilty as...