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Information and Support: Young people in care
If you, or someone you know, have been affected by issues raised in this programme, the following organisations may be able to help.
ChildLine is a free, 24-hour confidential helpline for children and young people who need to talk.
Phone: 0800 1111
Become offers confidential help and advice to young people in, or who have been in care.
Phone: 0800 023 2033
Care Leavers’ Association
Care Leavers’ Association provides information, advice to all care leavers over the age of 16 and signposting to services that can help.
Future Pathways
Future Pathways offers help and support to people who were abused or neglected as children while they were living in care in Scotland.
Phone: 0808 164 2005
NSPCC provides help, advice and support to adults worried about a child.
Phone: 0808 800 5000 (24/7)