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The Tenth Commandment of The Archers
Previously Archers listeners on and came up with for new listeners.
But what of the 10th? Deep breath... here we go... Disclaimer: We may have cheated a little here...
10.1 Verily thou shalt never doubt the true and actual existence of Ambridge
… or shalt thou?
10.2 Thou shalt not enter the Ambridge wormhole, for therein lieth insanity
10.3 Thou shalt brace thyself for the sudden return of thy Sunday morning breakfast
10.4 Indulge not in unsettling thoughts of Sid and Jolene
10.5 Thou shalt threaten loved ones with real and actual violence for sullying The Archers with their nonsense
10.6 Thou shalt time thy evening meal accordingly
10.7 Forget not Stir Up Sunday
10.8 Know thy silage
10.9 Thou shalt listen again on a Sunday and tweet along
10.10 Give thyself up to addiction