The 15 Most Creative Insults Levelled At Rob Titchener This Week*
Rob had some choice words for Charlie this week as he walked out of his job at Berrow Farm. Archers listeners had some even choicer ones for him...
A coleslaw gobber
I hope he doesn't get a job at McDonalds - if anyone is capable of gobbing in the coleslaw it's him [Richard Gilbert on ]
With all the charm of a cheese grater in your underpants
A good match for... Hazel Woolley
Imagine the axis of evil that could be formed with the union of Titchener and Wooley... [Mark Chapman on ]
Inferior to a turkey baster
(Worst of all) Not a true farmer
Rob never struck me as a true professional farmer. Maybe that´s why he fiddled with the books among other things. He grew up on a farm but on various occasions he gave the impression that he is a mere amateur. He was very reluctant when Charlie wanted him to participate on Open Farm Day in 2014. He made a mess of his anaerobic digester demonstration and had one of his infamous tantrums when dear Jim Lloyd bombarded him with critical questions. ´I´ve been up all night with my sick stepson!´he hissed, and Jim, always the gentleman, apologised. I wish his parents and brother would turn up to give us more information about his ´tormented´ upbringing. And why did his mother tell Jess that little Ethan Jeremiah (the baby that lacks real Titchener DNA) had 'Rob´s nose'?? [Maarten van den Heuvel on ]
A monumental douchebag
*Well, not all this week - the coleslaw gobber and underwear grater were from the previous week
As slippery as a Swarfega slathered eel
So low he could walk under a dachshund wearing a top hat
Or... lower than a Boa Constrictor’s scrotum
A slimy b*stard
With a sweaty, limp handshake
... Who makes Iago look like a novice
A loathsome, narcissistic turd
I think both Charlie and Rob are loathsome, narcissistic turds in their own special ways. [Cathy Simpson on ]