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Audio: La Rebla Fam
21st June 2010
he spoke to Mat Fraser and Liz Carr about the band's name and what you might expect to hear from them on The Hub stage, a showcase for disabled musicians at Glastonbury Festival.
The audio finishes with a track called The Animals, which Simon tells us is a commentary on the current economic crisis. Listen or your ears will never forgive you, it's great music.
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Full Interview
MAT You know what, listeners, it would be the Ouch talk show if it didn't finish up with a track from an unsigned disabled musician.
LIZ Wow. So we've got a member of the ska punk rock band Lá Reblá Fam Simon Suspense Spencer joining us on the line on a mobile phone in a tube station, so apologies if quality's not great. Simon ?
SIMON Hello.
LIZ Hello there, thank you for joining us.
SIMON No problem at all.
LIZ Lá Reblá Fam means what?
SIMON Well we basically thought it was like the rebel family but apparently when translated it means a woman's dream. So we could get done for false advertising on that one.
MAT No I'm sure you're both. Now what's the bands disability connection?
SIMON The bands disability connection is myself I have Cerebral Palsy.
LIZ Are you the only disabled person the only crip in the band?
SIMON Some may beg to differ.
LIZ Excellent. And look where are you based and what type of music?
SIMON It's kind of like a mismatch of punk, ska, hip-hop, rock.
MAT It kind of reminds of like festival music from the early '90s when I was involved, a little bit rough, rough and ready that kind of style, would you agree with that?
SIMON Yeah most definitely.
LIZ So Lá Reblá Fam you're going to be performing at Glastonbury in the hub which is fantastic.
MAT When I used to go to Glastonbury there used to be me and Mick Scarlett who were the only people there that were visibly disabled. But since Attitude is Everything have been on the case and along with and everything apparently now there's like a whole hub disability friendly area is that right?
SIMON Apparently so. I'm going to find out this year most definitely.
LIZ We're going to be playing out with a track called The Animals and could you tell the listeners what it's about?
SIMON Okay. Basically the track called The Animals it's about the credit crunch and the recession and it's basically how you would see businessmen like leaving everything, it's basically just about the whole state of London at that time. So yeah.
LIZ We knew it had a bit of meat to it, a bit of political bite to it and it's a great track so we'll be playing that the end. So it's Lá Reblá Fam you can see them at Glastonbury and all their details are going to be on the Ouch website as ever. Thanks very much simon for joining us.
SIMON Thank you very much.
LIZ The end of the show, Mat, what a show!
MAT I know.
LIZ Fantastic interview with Nikki from Big Brother.
MAT I was really impressed with her. To be honest, I will say this now, now that she's gone, I didn't really think anorexia was a proper disability but boy have I learnt to eat my words.
LIZ Huc-hum.
MAT Get it?
LIZ It was stunning. Excellent – not the joke – the interview.
MAT No the joke was dreadful.
LIZ That's all I'm saying. Well yeah it's been a great month so thank you for the team who made it happen. It's been Emma Tracey, Zoe Breen and Amy Gardiner. The studio manager was Drew Lecky and we'll be back next month. In the meantime watch out the Ouch homepage because from the end of this month at bbc.co.uk/ouch there are some very exciting video interviews featuring people like Tricia Goddard, Gail Porter and Blaine Harrison from the Mystery Jets.
MAT And now we play out a track with the scar punk rock from Lá Reblá Fam called The Animals.
LIZ Until next month bye!
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