91Èȱ¬ > Features > Editor's picks 2002-2011
Editor's picks 2002-2011
11th July 2011
Across this time we told many new stories, we started a bold and witty podcast, we tried to tell all sides of the tale by not being politically correct and just going after what fascinated us. People sometimes couldn't believe what we were writing ... but they read it all the same. Sometimes we felt like a pirate website in the middle of a big corporation - anyone remember our excellent Harvest Festival game? No? Good.

• - Back in the first weeks of Ouch, comedian wrote that she is a bit wobbly as a CP'er and can't really walk in high heels. She told us she wanted someone to invent some flat shoes which had sexy heels she could extract when sitting down. And loads of teenage disabled girls wrote in to agree ... and find out where they could get a pair.

We were very proud of it and very proud of the students who took part - we got quite parental about it all back in the office which I'm sure they'd hate to hear.
What was it? Does what it says on the tin really: we followed disabled students for their first month at university. We did it three times, the most recent being 2009 where we also created films of the students.
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