
Star Wars: Five things we know about Episode 9!

Star Wars cast pose at Last Jedi cast Q & AImage source, Getty Images

Are you ready for Star Wars 9?

Given that Solo: A Star Wars Story only came came out a few months ago, it might not feel like all that long since you had your last Star Wars fix.

But it's actually been more than six months since The Last Jedi: the eighth episode in the Star Wars trilogy was released.

And we've still got a long time to wait before we can see the next film - Episode 9 isn't scheduled to hit cinemas until December 2019.

But with filming due to start this week, we do now know some details of what's in store!

Princess Leia will be in it!

Image source, Reuters

Carrie Fisher, the actress that plays the great rebel commander, unfortunately died suddenly in 2016.

But because all her scenes for The Last Jedi had already been filmed before her death, her character played a big part in the film released in December 2017.

Thanks to a surprise cast announcement we now know, she'll also be appearing in the Episode 9 - using previously unseen footage that was recorded for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Luke Skywalker will be hanging around

Image source, Getty Images

In the final scenes of The Last Jedi it looked like Luke had died, after doing his bit to try and stop his evil nephew Kylo Ren.

But we didn't actually see him "die"- his body just vanished leaving the cloak he'd been wearing lying on the rock.

So could Luke actually be alive after all? Maybe!

After the film came out, the actor that plays Luke said: "I refuse to believe that he's gone."

"My theory is he just teleported to somewhere else and left his robe behind...that's what I'm hoping."

Maybe Hamill is right, or maybe Luke will appear in some kind of hologram or vision of another character.

I'll guess we'll just have to wait and see!

Lando is back!

Image source, Getty Images

Do you remember him from The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi?

If you do, you'll know Lando Calrissian was a pretty slippery character first betraying Han Solo by giving him up to Dark Vader, but then coming back to help rescue him.

The character also made an appearance in Solo: A Star Wars Story, played by actor Donald Glover.

But it will be Billy Dee Williams, the original actor from the old Star Wars films, that will be playing him Episode 9.

The actor is 81-years-old so obviously we'll be seeing a much much older Lando than we did last time around.

Rey and Finn will reunite!

Image source, Getty Images

In The Force Awakens they formed a special bond, but in The Last Jedi, Rey and Finn ended up on very different missions.

Finn ended up on a Canto Bight adventure with Rose, while Rey's spent most of the film training with Luke and trying to bring Kylo Ren back from the dark side.

But it looks like they'll be spending more time together in the next film.

In an interview John Boyega, who plays Finn said: "I haven't read the script for Episode 9. But Daisy (who plays Rey) did shoot me a text saying, 'Oh my gosh, I just heard from J.J. [Abrams] (the director), and we're back together.' That's what I'm really excited about, is Finn and Rey back together again."

But we don't know what it will be called yet!

Image source, Disney

Filming for Episode 9 might have begun...but the film doesn't yet have a title.

It's just being referred to as Episode IX, which means nine in Roman numerals.

We'll just have to keep our eyes peeled for more news.

Maybe once we know what the film will be called, it'll also give us some more clues about the story.

What do you think the new film should be called?