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18 June 2014
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Wolsey employees in swimsuits Clip Title: Millicent Hillebrand remembers going back to work after being on strike for six weeks:
© EMOHA and Record Office for Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland

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I had to pack it up and go home because I was in digs, I mean I did all sorts of things; I scrubbed my landlady’s kitchen, all sorts of things, to help out. I was paying 18 bob a week board then, which was a lot of money, a lot of money. As I say, I think I was at home, about three weeks, something like that, and then I had a telegram to say starting work on Monday, and I came back, and Wolsey lent us a pound to start us up, but we had to pay it back, but after that, the thing was, we was retimed on all the work that had previously upset everybody, after the trauma of the seven weeks strike and then it was agreed that we was retimed, and then it was more moderate, and after that it went along, I don’t remember anyone having the same effect. We were so afraid that we might not come out equal, and so we then timed the average person, and we got a good deal, and I might say, from that day on I never looked back.

Courtesy of Leicester Oral History Archive

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