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18 June 2014
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In the winding room Clip Title: Hilda Marlow was working at the Wolsey factory at the time of the strike, though not in the Bedaux unit. She remembers how the ‘blacklegs’, women who worked during the strike, were treated afterwards:
© EMOHA and Record Office for Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland

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We did have a strike, it was about six weeks, and it was winter time I reckon, it was ever so cold out there, we all had to go out, because you were in the union you see. I paid into the union because I think they did a lot of good for you, it’s my opinion they helped us getting what we wanted if we wanted anything, what ever happened, it was no different to us, it didn’t effect us. We had to come out on strike because others were out. I think one of my sisters was at the Park, there was three of us out on strike, at 10 bob a week. Then all of a sudden it locked out, and we all went back as nothing had happened, plenty of work ready for you when we got there, but there were one or two black legs you see, and once you were a black leg it lasts a lifetime, they went back but they weren’t very well accepted, and it did stick, I remember one girl who worked with me, mind it didn’t bother me that much, as you go with the crowd really, and if ever anything happened, it was never forgotten, you could hear them say, she was a black leg you see. We used to enjoy it though, but when you only got 10 shilling a week, you couldn’t carry on much longer could you, but I loved it when we went back there was no end of work waiting for you, but we got through it didn’t we alright, but they never had another strike since, but they knew it wasn’t worth while either sides.

Courtesy of Leicester Oral History Archive

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