One Piece - Whole Cake Island (747-891): 750. A Desperate Situation! Luffy Fights a Battle in Extreme Heat!
Summit War (385-516) Episodes
- 457. A Special Retrospective Before Marineford! The Vow Of The Brotherhood!...As Luffy continues on toward Marineford to rescue Ace, he remembers how he ran into Ace.24 mins
- 458. A Special Retrospective Before Marineford! The Three Navy Admirals Come Together!...At Marineford, the Shichibukai and the three admirals await Luffy.24 mins
- 459. Ticking Down To The Time Of Battle! The Navy's Strongest Lineup In Position!...Ace is led from his cell to the execution platform guarded by Marines and the Shichibukai.24 mins
- 460. A Vast Fleet Appears! Here Come The Whitebeard Pirates!...Sengoku reveals who Ace’s real father is, Garp remembers how he came to take care of Ace.24 mins
- 461. The Beginning Of The War! Ace And Whitebeard's Past!The Whitebeard Pirates show up at Marineford to rescue Ace from his execution.24 mins
- 462. The Force That Could Destroy The World! The Power Of The Tremor-Tremor Fruit!...The seaquakes generated by Whitebeard create a giant tsunami that approaches Marineford.24 mins
- 463. An All-Consuming Inferno!! Admiral Akainu's Power!The giant shockwave Mihawk releases is stopped by 3rd Division Commander Diamond Jozu.24 mins
- 464. A Descendant Of The Beast! Little Oars Jr. Full Speed Ahead!...Oars Jr. heads straight toward Ace. The Marines’ Giant Squad tries to stop him.24 mins
- 465. Justice For The Winners! Sengoku's Strategy In Action!After receiving Doflamingo’s and Moria’s attacks, Oars Jr. collapses before he reaches Ace24 mins
- 466. Straw Hat Team Arrives! Tension Grows At The Battlefield....Luffy learns that the Marines are moving Ace’s execution up, ahead of schedule.24 mins
- 467. Even If It Means Death! Luffy Vs. The Navy; The Battle Starts!...Luffy charges ahead toward the execution platform to save Ace, inspiring the other pirates24 mins
- 468. Hard Battles One After Another! Devil Fruit Eaters Vs. Devil Fruit Eaters!...Luffy and his team continue to battle the Marines in order to advance forward.24 mins
- 469. Kuma's Transformation! Iva's Blow Of Anger!After Hancock defends Luffy from Smoker’s attack, she gives him the key to Ace’s handcuff.24 mins
- 470. The Great Swordsman Mihawk! Luffy Comes Under The Attack Of The Black Sword!...Mihawk stands in Luffy’s way as he hurries toward Ace. Jinbe tries to stop Mihawk.24 mins
- 471. The Extermination Strategy In Action! The Power Of The Pacifistas!...As the Pacifistas start attacking the pirates at the mouth of the bay.24 mins
- 472. Akainu's Plot! Whitebeard Entrapped!After Squardo stabs Whitebeard, he explains why he did it.24 mins
- 473. The Encircling Walls Activated! The Whitebeard Pirates Backed Into A Corner!...Whitebeard joins the battle, raising the morale of the other pirates.24 mins
- 474. Execution Order Issued! Break Through The Encircling Walls!...Akainu’s magma flies down from the sky and sinks the Moby Dick.24 mins
- 475. Moving Into The Final Phase! Whitebeard's Trump Card For Recovery!...Luffy tries to fly past the three admirals but is stopped by Kizaru.24 mins
- 476. Luffy At The End Of His Tether! An All-Out Battle At The Oris Plaza!...A worn-out Luffy keeps charging forward toward the execution platform.24 mins
- 477. The Power That Will Shorten One's Life! Energy Hormone Redux!...Whitebeard falters. Akainu takes the opportunity to attack him.24 mins
- 478. To Live Up To A Promise! Luffy And Coby Collide!Coby remembers his promise with Luffy, makes up his mind to confront him.24 mins
- 479. The Scaffold At Last! The Way To Ace Has Opened!Luffy is unaware that he just unleashed the Haki that stopped the execution.24 mins
- 480. Each On Different Paths! Luffy Vs. Garp!Luffy unwillingly hits Garp. As Garp falls, the bridge crumbles.24 mins
- 481. Ace Rescued! Whitebeard's Final Order!Ace uses his powers to safely bring them down to the ground.24 mins
- 482. The Power That Can Burn Even Fire! Akainu's Ruthless Pursuit!...Following Whitebeard’s order, the pirates honor his wish and unwillingly begin to retreat.24 mins
- 483. Looking For The Answer! Fire Fist Ace Dies On The Battlefield!...After Akainu’s magma fist penetrates his body, Ace falls into Luffy's arms.24 mins
- 484. The Navy Headquarters Falls! Whitebeard's Unspeakable Wrath!...Luffy is traumatized by Ace’s death, and his mind collapses.24 mins
- 485. Ending The Matter! Whitebeard Vs. The Blackbeard Pirates!...Whitebeard starts to fight Blackbeard to avenge Ace and Thatch.24 mins
- 486. The Show Begins! Blackbeard's Plot Is Revealed!Whitebeard is dead, and his devastated crew reluctantly retreats to their ships.24 mins
- 487. The Insatiable Akainu! Lava Fists Pummel Luffy!Blackbeard declares he will destroy all of Marineford as the Marines watch on.24 mins
- 488. The Desperate Scream! Courageous Moments That Will Change The Future....Sengoku fights Blackbeard while Akainu fights the commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates.24 mins
- 489. Here Comes Shanks! The War Of The Best Is Finally Over!Jinbe and Luffy are taken to the operation room on Law’s ship.24 mins
- 490. Mighty Leaders Face Each Other Down! Heralding The 'New Era'!...People around the world rejoice at the news of the Marines’ victory.24 mins
- 491. Landing At The Maiden Island! The Harsh Reality Falls Upon Luffy!...Brownbeard takes over the island of Foodvalten, claiming it isn’t Whitebeard’s anymore.24 mins
- 493. Luffy And Ace! The Story Of How The Brothers Met!Ten years ago… Garp takes Luffy to bandit Dadan’s house on Mount Corvo.24 mins
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