One Piece - Whole Cake Island (747-891): 750. A Desperate Situation! Luffy Fights a Battle in Extreme Heat!
Alabasta (62-135) Episodes
- 98. Enter the Desert Pirates! The Men Who Live Freely!The Straw Hats cross paths with the Barbar Sand Pirates.23 mins
- 99. False Fortitude! Camu, Rebel Soldier at Heart!Princess Vivi devises a plan to test the hearts of a gang of so-called rebels.23 mins
- 100. Rebel Warrior Koza! The Dream Vowed to Vivi!The Straw Hats continue their journey to Yuba, where a bittersweet reunion awaits.23 mins
- 101. Showdown in Heat Haze! Ace vs. the Gallant Scorpion!Fire Fist Ace is hired by two young boys to hunt down and capture a lethal bounty hunter.23 mins
- 102. Ruins and Lost Ways! Vivi, Her Friends, and the Country's Form!...Chopper, Zoro, and Luffy get separate from the others.23 mins
- 103. Spiders Café at 8 o'Clock! The Enemy Leaders Gather!The assassins of Baroque Works gather at Spider’s Café.23 mins
- 104. Luffy vs. Vivi! The Tearful Vow to Put Friends on the Line!...Crocodile reveals himself and discloses his dastardly plan for Alabasta.23 mins
- 105. The Battlefront of Alabasta! Rainbase, the City of Dreams!...The Straw Hats head towards Rainbase for a confrontation with Crocodile.23 mins
- 106. The Trap of Certain Defeat! Storming Raindinners!Luffy leads a daring – but foolish – raid on Crocodile’s casino.23 mins
- 107. Operation Utopia Commences! The Swell of Rebellion Stirs!...King Cobra addresses the starving people of Nanohana.23 mins
- 108. The Terrifying Banana Gators and Mr. Prince!A royal imposter has the rebel army hell-bent on bringing Cobra’s reign to a violent end.23 mins
- 109. The Key to a Great Comeback Escape! The Wax-Wax Ball!Sanji shows up in the nick of time to make the crocs cough up the key to Luffy’s freedom.23 mins
- 110. Merciless Mortal Combat! Luffy vs. Crocodile!Crocodile snatches Vivi off the back of a giant crab, but Luffy’s not having it.23 mins
- 111. Dash for a Miracle! Alabasta Animal Land!Crocodile puts Luffy down for a never-ending dirt nap.23 mins
- 112. Rebel Army vs. Royal Army! Showdown at Alubarna!Vivi arrives in Alubarna with just enough time to stop the rebellion.23 mins
- 113. Alubarna Grieves! The Fierce Captain Karoo!Sanji buys Vivi some time by mixing it up with a foe of many faces.23 mins
- 114. Sworn on a Friend's Dream! The Battle of Molehill, Block 4!...Usopp finally shows some courage by playing whack-a-mole with Miss Merry Christmas.23 mins
- 115. Big Opening Day Today! The Copy-Copy Montage!Chopper’s Rumble Ball could be the difference between life and death in the mole ballgame.23 mins
- 116. Transformed into Nami! Bon Clay's Rapid-Fire Ballet Kenpo!...Vivi continues preparations to blow up the palace.23 mins
- 117. Nami's Cyclone Advisory! Clima Takt Burst!Things don’t look good for the prettiest Straw Hat.23 mins
- 118. Secret Passed Down in The Royal Family! The Ancient Weapon Pluton!...Crocodile reveals his sinister motives for attacking Alabasta.23 mins
- 119. Secret of Powerful Swordplay! Ability to Cut Steel and the Rhythm Things Have!...The Straw Hat sword-slinger is determined to become a man who can cut steel.23 mins
- 120. The Battle is Over! Koza Raises the White Flag!Koza finally discovers the evil mastermind behind Alabasta’s drought.23 mins
- 121. Where Vivi's Voice Gets Heard! The Hero Descends!When Koza is mysteriously shot, the rebellion is reborn.23 mins
- 122. Sand Croc and Water Luffy! The Second Round of the Duel!...Luffy finally discovers the secret to knocking out a sandman.23 mins
- 123. That Looks Croc-ish! Luffy, Run to the Royal Tomb!While his mates search for a bomb, Luffy survives his second scrape with Crocodile.23 mins
- 124. The Nightmare Draws Near! This is Sand-Sand Clan's Secret Base!...Crocodile attacks Luffy with a poisoned pirate hook.23 mins
- 125. Magnificient Wings! My Name is Pell, Guardian Deity of the Country!...The Straw Hats team up to give Vivi one last shot at disarming the bomb.23 mins
- 126. I Will Surpass You! Rain Falls in Alabasta!Pell’s sacrifice spares his beloved city, but only an act of god can stop the rebellion.23 mins
- 127. A Farewell to Arms! Pirates and Different Ideas of Justice!...Crocodile is defeated, the rain has returned to Alabasta.23 mins
- 128. The Pirate' Banquet and Operation Escape from Alabasta! ...Vivi must make an important decision about her future.23 mins
- 129. It All Started On That Days! Vivi Tells the Story of Her Adventure!...Mr. 2, a man of many faces, finally shows his true colors.23 mins
- 130. Scent of Danger! The Seventh Member is Nico Robin!Luffy watches Alabasta fade into the distance, but there’s no time for reminiscing.23 mins
- 131. The First Patient! The Untold Story of Rumble Ball!The Straw Hats discover an isolated island where they can restock their food supply.23 mins
- 132. Uprising of the Navigator! For the Unyielding Dream!Nami finds the paper she needs to start making maps.23 mins
- 133. A Recipe Handed Down! Sanji, the Iron Man of Curry!Heavy fog leads to a close encounter when Nico fishes a marine out of the drink.23 mins
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