Maddie's Do You Know? - Series 3: Hearing Aid and Whistle
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Series 3 Episodes
- Skyscraper and Flying BirdMaddie learns how skyscrapers are made and visits a bird sanctuary to see how birds fly.14 mins
- Plant and CompostMaddie learns about the lifecycle of plants and find out how compost is made from waste.14 mins
- Car Engine and Car TransporterMaddie learns how a car transporter works and discovers how a car engine is made.14 mins
- Day and Night and Solar PanelMaddie learns why we have day and night and discovers how a solar panel works.14 mins
- Singing and TromboneMaddie learns how we make different sounds when we sing and how trombones are made.14 mins
- Bridges and Playground FlooringMaddie learns how a suspension bridge works and finds out how playground flooring is made.14 mins
- Butterfly and WallpaperMaddie learns how the life cycle of a butterfly works and finds out how wallpaper is made.14 mins
- Digger and WelliesMaddie learns how digger tracks help it move and she finds out how wellies are made.14 mins
- This episodeHearing Aid and Whistle
- Wind-Up Toy and Cricket BatMaddie learns how a wind-up toy works and sees how a cricket bat is made in a factory.14 mins
- Cereal and Potato HarvesterMaddie finds out how a potato harvester works on the farm and we learn how cereal is made.14 mins
- Bowling Alley and RibbonMaddie visits a bowling alley to find out how it works, and we learn how ribbon is made.14 mins
- Beehive and MugMaddie learns how bees make honey in a hive and how mugs are made from clay.14 mins
- Digestion and MeringueMaddie learns what happens to the food we eat and discovers how meringue is made.14 mins
- Clouds and Rain and RadiatorMaddie learns about clouds and rain, and discovers how a radiator is made.14 mins
- Metal Recycling Centre and Road SignMaddie learns how metal is recycled and visits a factory to see how road signs are made.14 mins
- Lighthouse and BathbombMaddie visits a lighthouse to learn how it works and discovers how bath bombs are made.14 mins
- Waves and Ice CreamMaddie learns how waves are formed at sea and visits a farm to see how ice cream is made.14 mins
- Library and BookMaddie learns how a library works and visits a factory to discover how a book is made.14 mins
- X-Ray and SockMaddie visits a hospital to learn how an X-ray works and finds out how socks are made.14 mins
- Tram and MapMaddie learns how a tram uses electricity to work and discovers how a map is made.14 mins
- Spider Web and Watering CanMaddie learns how spiders make webs with silk and how watering cans are made in a factory.14 mins
- Camera and HairbrushMaddie learns how a camera works and discovers how a hairbrush is made in a factory.14 mins
- Sleep and SofaMaddie learns what happens when we go to sleep and discovers how a sofa is made.14 mins
- Washing Machine and JeansMaddie learns how a washing machine works and discovers how jeans are made in a factory.14 mins