These messages were added to this story by site members between June 2003 and January 2006. It is no longer possible to leave messages here. Find out more about the site contributors.
Message 1 - My experience as nine year old from 1939 to 1945
Dear laughingRupert
You have now posted your story in three parts, plus another with the same title; you have also posted something about yourself. All are interesting but they are all in different locations and all in the wrong place. They stand little chance to be seen.
Parts 1 and 3 (A2101384, A2119475) are currently at the General 91Èȱ¬ Front Research Desk. A Research Desk is where you ask questions to be researched. One of your postings (U532047) that should be here is currently on your Personal Page.
Part 2 of your story is at the Writing Workshop, it looks finished so you should send it to the Editorial Desk, but of course part 1 should preceed it.
Finally, you have written something about yourself here A2101384 which should be on your Personal Page here U532047.
To post a Personal Story (yours is in 3 parts) highlight a part and copy it (Ctrl+c) then click on PERSONAL STORY on the left, then follow the instructions and paste it in (Ctrl+v).
When you are happy with it, send it to the EDITORIAL DESK for review.
Let me know how you get on.
Message 2 - My experience as nine year old from 1939 to 1945
Posted on: 12 December 2003 by laughingRupert
Dear Peter.
Many thanks for your information you sent me I now see the error of my ways. I have now followed your instructions, the only problem is that when it comes to post each part of my story to the EDITORIAL DESK for review the only two buttons are Save, and Preview.
Do I click on the heading for each part to bring up the story, and then click on the "Submit Story Button" ?
Philip Taylor. ( LaughingRupert)
Message 3 - My experience as nine year old from 1939 to 1945
Hi Phil
The preview button let's you see what your story will look like at the site. You can make corrections or additions in the window under the preview text. Preview is optional, you do not have to preview anything, but I find it useful.
The 'Save' button is not happily named. It might have been clearer to name it 'Send' or 'Post Story', because that is what it does. You can activate it without previewing, or after previewing.
You can see everything you have posted (stories and questions) on your Personal Page here U532047.
When you see something listed there, like A2101384, clicking on it will bring up that posting and you can then see where it is; it is simply a link to that posting. Consider your Personal Page as the control point of all you do.
Don't refrain from asking questions about what is glaringly obvious to 'an expert'. I am now only just beginning to understand Windows error codes. I once actually had the following conversation with someone who was trying to teach me online, I was apparently straining his patience. It went somthing like this.
"I'm trying to figure out what Blue screen ERROR x00000000000000I0067X is, any ideas?" Technical Whizz Kid with MA in Technical Jargon: "Yea, ERROR x00000000000000I0067X it's like ERROR 276b, you've got a classic DLL 097 and driver clash", "DLL 097, OK. ... er, what driver?", "Come on, you're kidding me. The graphics card driver!". Yes, quite, but not exactly user friendly. One day we might get "ERROR - Graphics Card Driver Clash" ... but I digress :-D.
Could you let me know if what I have said here is clear to you or do you still find it confusing?
Your questions help webpage designers see the site as ordinary mortals see it, and make 'improvements, which should have been there in the first place.
Message 4 - My experience as nine year old from 1939 to 1945
Posted on: 13 December 2003 by laughingRupert
Hi Peter.
many thanks for your help, and yes I did press the save button so I do hope this time the story has gone to the correct desk, as a computer novice I do find it Like walking in a mine field.
Kind Regards.
Philip Taylor.
Message 5 - My experience as nine year old from 1939 to 1945
Well not quite, but I know what you mean :-D
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