Malvern HillsYou are in: Hereford and Worcester > Malvern and the Malvern Hills > Hills, history and H2O Hills, history and H2O - everything you need to know about the Malvern Hills. From the tunnels underneath them to the hill fort on top of them. From the famous water cure to the quarries that nearly ate part of the hills away.  The Malvern Hills are some of the oldest and hardest rocks in the country - find out where more.  Find out the history of the railway tunnels under the Malvern Hills - miners, torpedoes and bats!  There's more than 2000 years of history tied up with the Malvern, including a famous last stand  Beacons have been lit on the Malverns since Norman times, and the 19th century saw "Beaconmania".  Quarrying of the Malvern Hills was very controversial and the scars are still visible today. Walking in Malvern you can see rocks from Norway and fossils dating back to the Jurassic period. The water is famous throughout the world. The Queen drinks it and people travel miles to drink it.  How Malvern's gas lights and the Golden Valley inspired CS Lewis to write the Narnia books. This map showing many of the places of interest comes from the Malvern Hills Conservators  How a former explosives store in Malvern is now producing award winning real ale. You are in: Hereford and Worcester > Malvern and the Malvern Hills > Hills, history and H2O |