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You are in: Hereford and Worcester > Places > Unexplained > Send us your strange and spooky stories

Ghosts and a UFO

Wanted - strange phenomena

Send us your strange and spooky stories

We want your ghosts stories, tales of UFO's or other strange phenomena in the two counties.

We're on the lookout for strange or spooky stories concerning Herefordshire and Worcestershire.

If you know a local legend, or the whereabouts of a haunted house in the two counties, then send us the story.

If you think you've seen a UFO let us know and we'll try and find out if anyone else witnessed what you saw.

We're also interested in any sightings of any of the big cats that are supposed to be living wild in this area.

last updated: 22/04/2008 at 10:56
created: 20/02/2006

Have Your Say

Send us your ghost story or tale of the unexplained

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Barbara Newton-legge
We own Grade II listed properties, one in Bishops Frome the other in Wellington. Bishops Frome is alive with activity, a monk who is attached to a staircase we bought from Belmont Abbey, a very good looking guy who stands in our bedroom doorway, light bulbs popping and blowing after a renewal of days, large pieces of furniture thrown to the floor and blocking entry to the room, lights constantly flashing. I was alone in the house and in the bath when the lights started going mad. I asked if there was anybody there and it flashed on and off. I asked if it was my deceased mother, nothing, then I asked if it was someone else, it flashed off and on. I was out of the bath and running in seconds, my dog would not come to me and had already shot down the stairs. Wellington house is an evil little man who chased me out, and until I stood upto him recently, he has calmed down. He has been sensed by a sound test officer, and numerous other people sense evil.

Sandra ybert
I was in a mini car with my husband on a road going from Alfrik to Leigh Sintonone late sunday afternoonin the early Autum 1982 when we came to a pub on the right handside of the road,we had been there before, I looked at the pub and said to my husband, its been closed down it was like a house,I was looking at,not a pub and then my eyes caught sight of a man on horse back charging at the back of us ,he was a good looking man about 30with hair down the length of his neck flowing in the breeze as he galloped he had a brown tweed long coat on with a large lappel collar that went over his shoulders and high leather boots that were very nice, he was riding like mad to get some were, I only saw him for a few seconds , I knew that a murder had been commited at a farm in Leigh Sinton in the 1800 to 1900 and have always wondered if I saw the man going to his untimely death

My dad saw the spirit of what he thought was an old woman, in Lichfield, dressed in a trench coat and seemed to be limping, he looked down to our dog, looked back to where the old woman was and she has misteriously disapeered. See some people take it seriously, unlike others.

Judith White
When I was small I lived in Upton-on-Severn so I grew up hearing about the legend of the Upton ghost, one Capt Thomas Bound. He is alleged to roam on the Ham. Upton folks have seen the spectre riding his horse and anglers who brave the night on the banks of the severn have also seen him. On one occasion an angler was put to flight and had to steady his his nerves with a double brandy at the Swan. A past Police Inspector stationed in Upton was bady frightened by Capt Bound and his experience was reported widely in the papers and on the radio. The house he resided in still exists today. The Capt had a cruel reputation and although he was a churchwarden and was allegedly to be a god-fearing man, local people thought he was implicated in his wife's death.

One day i was walking down the street. A ghostly figure appeared in front of me!! It said 'Vote for Pedro' and disappeared. I AM NOT DRUNK!!!!!!

You are in: Hereford and Worcester > Places > Unexplained > Send us your strange and spooky stories

Leominster Priory

Some the most interesting buildings in the two counties

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