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Ghosts and UFOs

Strange lights over Worcestershire

Keith Major has seen strange lights in the sky over Evesham and Pershore. He wonders if they are UFOs and if anyone else has seen them? If you have, then let us know.

Keith Major has seen some strange lights in the night sky over Pershore and Evesham and wonders if anyone knows what they might be? - if not he may have seen a UFO.

Here's his description of what he saw:

"Notably on the last two clear nights, on Saturday 3rd and again last night Monday 5th September, the bright white light (larger than any of the brightest starts) appears from the SW and travels on a straight path, in a NE direction for some distance across the sky, before gradually fading, then turning red and disappearing.

"On Saturday the event happened at around 22:00 hrs, and on Monday night at about 21:25 hrs, but on Monday night, myself and two others witnessed it from Pershore, whilst my friend observed it from Evesham at the same time.

"There was no noise associated with the appearance and no flashing lights to suggest aircraft activity."

If you have a story about ghost, UFOs or other weird and unexplained happenings in Herefordshire and Worcestershire then let us know

last updated: 22/04/2008 at 12:33
created: 06/09/2005

Have Your Say

Tell us what you think the mystery lights are - and let us know if you saw them too.

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Robert Dudley
yeah they where over Leyland and leeds also, me and my friend saw them

yes we saw three orange lights in the shape of a triangle, they were just still no noise,then there was only one then it was gone very strange i have never sees anything like it. others we spoke to who were also looking at them said there were six lights at one time, i live newcastle- under- lyme west midlands

They are Chinese laterns that are set on fire then float up high and travel in the wind.

i think i saw a big red fireball heading pretty much NE out my window a few months back, seemed like there was a normal aircraft following it as best it could, maybe filming it? theres some mad looking bright light in the sky right now which even looks too big to be a planet, i think it was there last knight, it looked bright, but not as big as it does tonight, visible from edgware rd london.

I just seen a huge light in the sky sitting there. it gotten smaller and smaller and then just disappeared. it was freaking crazy.

Kevin O'Brien
I jsut saw the same lights in Canada. looked like a plane coming in at night time with the brightness, but traveled alot quicker than an aircraft, then suddenly slowing down to a stop, light fades and disappears. reoccured 12 times in 15 minutes. starting and finishing in the same spot.

Last night at 8 pm 30/12/08I saw a bright orange object moving slowly across the sky, it was almost triangular in shape, no noise came from it, it was low in the sky, just above the roof tops. No flashing lights. I watched it as it slowly moved towards the Sea (Chesil Beach, Weymouth)I know it wasn't a plane as I have seen those many times, they have white lights and usually a red or green light that flashes. What I saw last night had no flashing lights and the object itself was a very bright orange.Did anyone else see this?

i have seen numerous strange lights in the sky once i saw 3 white lights in a triangle formation fly into the distance before indivudually fading out. i also say a white spinning light also fading into darkness. Today i have just seen the most unusual lights a whole green sphere like light with alternate flashing red lights much smaller than the green light i dont no if this could be a common aircraft but it is certainly strange to see all this in the same area i live in newcastle-under-lyme west midlands

yesterday i saw these weird lights in the sky its red and and green it makes quite a lot of noise even though its really far up but it stays in the same spot for a while and then moves. when i looked out the window at probabli around half 11 there was a small set of lights hovering very near the houses and it went straight past my window....it was way too small to be any sort of aircraft...i cant figure out what it is but its very strange and annoyingly noisy. iv only started noticing this recently...does anyone hav any idea wat it mite be if not a ufo of some kind..plus its bin keepin me up at nite so id atleast lik to no wat it mite be. oh and i live in luton

Sunday 12th October 19:03 North Lincolnshire. Was stood in my back garden and saw a bright orange light almost like a fire in the sky, at first I thought it was a distress flair (live near the north sea) but it appeared way too big and was moving horizontally across the sky, its not a particulary clear night and seemed low in the sky, was moving steadily without a sound. Certainly spooked me!

About 8:30pm on Friday 3rd of october i saw what appeared to be like baloons on fire in the sky, they all travelled in the same direction and seemed to stay in a straight line, with the same amount of distance between each one,none of them seperated.There were about 6 or 7 of them, there was no noise coming from them at all, was really strange, have never seen anything like that before.

yeah i was walking along with my friend around the west malling area (kent). we were amazed! at first they just looked like really bright stars, but they moved accross and eventually turned orange and dissapeared... crazy stuff...

my parents saw a line of orange lights over oakenshaw in redditch on saturday 27th sept 08 around 10.30pm they said there was no sound just a line of lights in orange which went upwards then disappeared very strange would love to know what they were

Saturday 26th September, 200822:00, Dagnel End Road, RedditchA group of 7 astronomers saw 8 orange balls in the sky toward the South. They appeared to be very low in altitude above Redditch (Church Hill or Winyates, possibly as far as Studley)Initially there were 4 orange balls of light moving in an easterly direction very slowly, then followed by a cluster of 3, and followed by a single orange ball. After about a minute or two, all 8 lights were visable and appeared to hang in the sky before fading from sight (presume moving away from us to the south), with the final 8th ball lingering noticably longer than the rest.We could hear the traffic noise of Redditch, but did not hear any sounds associated with the 8 lights.

on saturday night i saw 8 orange lights a little bigger than stars travelling across batchley in redditch at 10.30 no noise or anything just travelling slowly across the skys very strange anyone else in redditch see anything

About 10.30/11pm on saturday 20th Sept I saw 4 orange lights in the sky above alvechurch.It was a clear night with no cloud etc.3 lights were in a shallow arrow layout then a last one followed, behind the middle light. They were all the same orangey colour and didn't zoom across the sky though were moving reasonably quickly, in a staight line from redditch to birmingham direction.No noise came from the skies above and as they moved away they faided into nothing.Maybe these lights are man-made... they certainly didn't look meteors or comets or aeroplanes or helecopters or satellites or the ISS etc.I've never seen anything like this before and if they are a hoax or other mis-interpreted phenomenon, it certainly blew me away.Very strange.

I have no idea what they are - I am amazed that nothing has been said about it in the news. It's ridiculoous. There were about 20 or 30 balls of fire flying silently accross London from West to East, and nothing is said about it the next day. I would really really like to know what it was that I saw last night from my window.

kap lee (weymouth)
omg, i was on the phone at around 12:30am and noticed firstly 3 very bright lights flying across my window view, they were very fast and i could hear no noise, maybe this was because it was very windy and it was also raining at the time, then about 10minutes later, another bright light was seen, but this time it was bright orange.. the whole of the sky lit up red and all 4 objects were flying very very fast. this was seen at 12:30am on Monday 1st September 2008, did any one else see it? (weymouth, dorset)

Robin Cavanagh
I too saw these lights last night 24th August at 9pm.There were 4 3 close together and 1 behind and the 3 in front actually waited for the 4th one to catch up. They were very bright and they came from the south.Ive actually photographed them.

I saw them in Sweden!

Hi I am from WV and My boyfriend and I have noticed the same lights in the sky and have been wondering what they could poss. be. What we see are Extremely bright lights that are brighter then any star they are really large and then look as if they are gone. Sometimes when they fade you can see them travel through the sky slowly and they will become bright again and then vanish again. We have watched them all summer long here noticing the 1st one about 3 mths ago and seeing one as late as tonight. It is driving us mad trying to figure them out.

Dougie Mack
I live in Javea in Spain. I run a radio station here and somebody called to ask if anyone else had seem these lights. I hadn't, up until three weeks ago and again last night 17th Aug 08. It could have been mistaken for a comet. A very bright white line and bright white head. Travelling North Easterly in a very straight line before fading.I have received more calls to report sightings.

Michelle- Ottawa Canada
I have seen actually the same thing last fall here in Ottawa Canada

Tom F
i seen these in widnes near liverpool they could be satelights.

OMGGGGGG We Saw Exactly The Same Thing Tonight Around 02:30am Just Sitting In Park In Middle Of A Feild As I Pointed It Out To My Mate And He Just Fort It Was A Star But As It Got Closer N We Could See It Was Moving It Was Movin Very Slow And Very Low But The Whole Time It Went Over Us It Was So Bright And Just Silent I Would Say When It Was At Mid Point Above Us It Looked About 2 - 3 Full Sized Oak Trees Above Us It Was So Mad We Tryed Folling It But In The End We Just Had To Watch It Fade In The Distance We Was Trying To Figure Out What It Was But We Was Deff Sure It Was And unidentefied FLying Object So Were Goin Back There Tomoro Around Same Time For Couple Hours Hope To See Somefing Agen This Time We Guna Be Equipt With Digy Cam And Binockulars :)

Megan and Oliver
We saw the lights again last night over Redditch - 13th July at about 2330. They looked like burning lights and were slowly moving across the sky. They didn't seem to be in a cluster this time, but in a line.Please someone tell us what they are?


Graham Hill
I have seen the same light. This also comes from the southwest. I live in Minehead it passed over last night at around 1.30 AM. It travel across the sky seems like a sattelite though to start with it is very bright then fades till overhead it disappears. I do not think it is a UFO it seems like a sattelite though to start with it is very bright. If you have information regarding this object please let me know thamks.

Kevin Nicol
It was 1 am Satuarday Morning when my friend and I where having a ciggerate outside and saw 5 bright lights on what seemed to be a hovering object high in the sky, They would stay for 5 minutes then dissapear, it then re-appeared a few minutes later. this went on for 30 minutes! the strangest thing I have ever seen!! What could it be??

Just about 10 minutes ago my step dad called me downstairs to watch form my back door.As i was looking up there was this white cirlular object travellign at a fast speed, it was heading in 1 direction then stopping them going back to were it started from, so basically it was just going back and forth in a VERY! fast speed.I'm 100% positive it wasnt a helicopter/airplane or even someone shining a very large torch into the sky.This wasnt normalThanksMichael

Three nights ago my brother and i were sitting on the deck outside and i got up and was walking around and looked up and saw 30 to 50 bright reddish orange star like objects moving through the air no sound either any ideas?

Steve McNamara - Preston, UK
My wife and I saw six of them last night, (Sat 07th June 2008). They came from North of us and travelled in a South Easterly direction. There was no noise and they were bright orange like they were on fire. They were def not planes, helicopters, micro-lights or balloons. They were seen at midnight. Others must have seen them. They may be something burning up in the atmosphere. Just a guess. Thee lights fizzled out as they went to the South East. Either because they climbed over cloud cover or because they just burned out. It was like nothing I have ever seen before. Fascinating.

May 30th 2008,Between 2230 & 2300hrs,towards the S/SW over Gloucester.We have seen a bright orange/red glowing light/ object with no sound which drifted and swerved towards the east. It started very bright and faded as it moved higher into the sky.Any real explanations would be good!

myself and two friends live in Ross-on-Wye and have witnessed on several occasions a strange bright light crossing the night sky. The light is too bright and low to be a satellite and does not flash or make any noise, ruling out the possibility of being a helicoptor or aeroplane. The light will move in a resonably straight path but from time to time will swerve slightly to the left or right. It travels at a very fast pace and will sometimes fade slightly or even disappear before returning to its original brightness. Like i said my friends and i have have seen this sight many times and are very curious what it is or who they are?????

I am from ross-on-wye in herefordshire and myself and friends have also witnessed a strange bright light moving across the sky. Always moving at speed but without flashing and on many occasions coming from the SW and fading to the NE.On its journey across a clear sky it swerves slightly and ocasionally fades or even disappears before returning to full brightness. The light was too bright and big to be a star or satellite and there was no noise so it was not a aircraft but was definatly inside our atmosphere. Last sighting was friday 4th april what is it? or who are they?

mark smith
at approx 8.20pm tonight 4 traveling lights in the sky .looked as if on fire travelling quite fast.both my wife and neighbour witnessed them.

Last night, March 28, 2008 around 9:45 I witnessed similar orange lights crossing over the sky in lake bluff illinois. The two orbs, parallel to one another,appeared from virtually nowhere and flew across the sky in a straight line at a fast speed before gradually fading and dissapearing. Then another orange light appeared where the others had and followed the same path before flickering out at the location

Near the end of 2007.. i saw these strange yellow/green/red small (as if the were birds) in a formation in the sky .. very low, no sound, quite slow. They were moving North by Hereford Racecourse.

tonight over keighley west Yorks. Red lights past over town.cluster off 4 then 3 behind, no sound,then, each one disapeared.App 7.15pm thursday 28th feb 2008

Now i dont belive in alies or ufos or anything like that, so me posting this is just silly. me and my girlfriend where just walking to morrisons to get shopping and in the sky where 3 light in a triangle shape, there was nothing else just triangles shaped lights. they all looked the same size. when i saw it, i actually started to feel sick and almost vomited.

Mike Ralph
Last night 15 Jan 08 between 10 and 11pm in the night sky looking south west from my position in Earls Croom I saw a bright fireball traveling west to east. It seemed quite low as it was in and out of the clouds at the time. It went greenish as it flared. I would describe its size by saying if the sun and moon where the size of a two pence this was the size of a 5 pence, so it was substantial and bigger than any commet or meteor I have ever seen.Could it have been a meteorite burning up?

I've seen something similar to what is being described here. Except that what I witnessed was stationary at about 30 or 40 thousand feet. It was about 2 or 3 times smaller than the moon, very large and very bright white light. It appeared to then fall strait down then dimmed to a much less noticeable brightness and began moving due south.

aisha khan
seen a bright light and then seen them revolving and then moving in circles it was very bright as if it was a space ship. then went very fast. seen this on the 3oth night at 12.36pm 2007 at 74 the avenue ealing london. seen it with 3 friends all of them so distrubed with the incident.

Phil Mitchell
Yes we my girlfriend and 1 watched 2 objects dull drown in colour for about 10 minutes on Saturday the 5th Aug. I watched the objects in Binoculars they moved around each other moving towards Worcester there were to wings but 1 object has a light in its nose. I saw the objects from redditch and were about 2 / 3 miles away

Sarah Garland
On 12/08/07 at 10.05pm and 10.10pm we witnessed two bright lights in the sky. They made no sound although being large, so you would've expected to hear some sort of engine noise. There were other aircraft in the sky too and their engines were audible. There were no flashing red lights, as is obvious with other aircraft. Both lights moved quite fast, then suddenly became very small really quickly before disappearing. The second light disappeared going upwards in a straight line.

24th July 2007-A very clear night having a quick cig, 2 birds could be seen in the distancethen there was the one light, I thought that it may have been a satitle light or somethingI never saw anything like it.

Saturday 09th June 2007 11.00pm. Looked out of window as could hear some fireworks saw in the sky a line of 20 to 30 lights. At first I thoguht it was something to do with the fireworks but no way. There was a trail of them and looked like planes coming from east to west.Was a bright white light on the front and red colour underneath similar to a plane.They mad no noise and dissapeared as they got overhead.I Have absolutely no idea what this could have been.All I have had back for other people is silly comments. Its quite frustrating really.

Sarah Davis
I believe that they could well be UFO's i have seen many strange lights in the sky. A few years ago i was camping in devon and had my telescope out looking at the moon when a sphere shaped object with six orange lights flew past. A few nights later six of us were having a cup of hot chocolate and in the distance saw an orange object, we thought nothing of it until a car drove past revealing a small sphere object in its headlights hovering about 20 foot off the ground, about a lengh of a football pitch from us. It was silent and it shot off into the sky and was gone in seconds. needless to say none of us could explain it!

I have recently seen a strange light of that mentioned in the above sighting. Date Monday May 7th 2007. Approx 22:20 Between Hollybush, Herefordshire and Ledbury, Herefordshire. Very big and bright. Couldn't tell if it was moving but no sound. Two cars passed us in the opposite direction within a few minutes of each other and both times we noticed the light go very small so it was just visible but as soon as these cars had passed us it went large again. I thought it was something to do with vehichle lights as to why this happened but that doesn't make sense. We watched this shrink and return to large in 1 second and seemed to be in the same position. I actually felt as though I was being watched by it. The atmosphere outside felt strange too with a sudden blustery wind that could have been thought of as normal but some how wasn't. This wind died down approx 4 minutes after we first noticed the light. I have more to say but can't find the words.

Alonso Hernandez
Well i saw something like it, i was coming back from my aunts house and i was about to go in our house with my mom and dad and sis, well this like 2 or 3 months ago, anyway i was going to go into the house, but something made me look up at the sky, then i saw a flat circular disk shaped object, the color was an orange color, i saw it and i freaked out it was going in at a NW direction thats when i went to my dad and told him to look up at it and it made a strange humming noise, then it started to fade away

I have seen very bright lights over Wood Norton quite regulary. They move in a horizontal direction and are much brighter than a star. They tend to hover very still for minutes on end. I can't tell from cropthorne if they are silent or not, but they do slowly fade and then disappear. A helicopter with search light perhaps? Don't think so as I can't see any beams of light.

The same exact thing happened to me, my sister, and her boyfriend. The bright light coming towards us dissapeared then we couldnt see it. It turned a light red then we hurd all the neighborhood dogs howling. at the same time we hurd a straight humming noise. we felt the truck move so we took off.

13 november 2006 11:30pm i went to bed after a film and spotted 3 big bright in the shape of a triangle. lights in the sky making no movement attall and no sound. i shouted for my dad to make shure i wasnt seein things. he came up the stares and sene it after 10,11 minuits it disappeared very quickly as if you where switching your lights on and off.

Chris - Beds
Thurs 26th Oct, went out into the garden around 7.55pm and observed a halogen looking blue/white light in SW sky. The light dimmed to bright then faded completely. The light did not move in any direction just very bright and then disappeared as thought moving away very quickly. Did anyone see this?

I have now seen these orange lights 3 times... The first time i saw them i saw two of them, the second time i was walking my dogs and saw one... and the third time i saw it, it was far away and dissapeared pretty soon after i saw it

I saw it from Evesham.Police helicopter? Couldn't hear engine though.

green lasers are given off the top of TIME nightclub in Redditch sometimes, might be those

I saw a triangle shaped ufo from small moors caravan site in harvington, evesham around the april/ may time of this year. Me and my friend were so scared we didnt know what to do so we hid behind a load of bushes! I videoed it and took photos, later on i found 1 of the videos had been mysteriously deleted! Evesham is a haunted and spooky place espescially harvington! Anyway this ufo made no sound either and was a PERFECT triangle with 3 coloured light, red, blue and white. After we ran away the ufo was going furiously across the skyline knowing it had spotten or it was after us either way it was not a nice experience!

Saturday 26th August 2006 - I saw a trail of 15 lights which may have been balloons as the flame was yellow and constant. The speed the lights moved was too fast for a fleet of balloons. They came from the west and then curved south and disappeared behind low level clouds. The were irregularly spaced but some travelled faster than other. If they were balloons - do they normally travel at night?? There was no noise and the lights did not flash as per normal aircraft.

at 9.30 pm myself and a friend watched for 10 mins 20-30 orange lights in single column formation move west to east and then vanish in the same place. they were not of local knowledge.bright orange balls floating at about 3-400ft very low and we could see them as clear as i can see my arm.dont tell me otherwise.

Jack Bayes
It could have been the International Space Station. The path across the sky described is typical of the ISS. You can see it often, look at the NASA website.

My guess is that the lights were the lasers from the Kingfisher centre in Redditch, which lit up the sky for several weeks prior to Christmas

marian falasca
I have seen lights in the sky on wednesday march 1, 2006....in the west about 6:00pm . first 2 lights....a few seconds later as many as five lights .......disappearing suddenly.

Jennifer Tuttle
I was watching something similar to that for about a month.Every night it would appear like a really bright star,brighter than any star I have ever seen.It was in the SW skies at about 5pm est time and slowly go across the sky for about an hour and a half.Before it would disappear it would turn orange and dim out slowly than I would see it again then it would just go out.Someone told me it was Venus,it just seems a little strange to be a planet because it disappears like that.

Just recently, over the past few days, here in Trentham, me and my family have noticed two large round glowing lights making circular motions in the sky. We don't know what they are and would like to find out more. Please give us your comments. Thank you.

this is still continuing now - i live in evesham and noticed the lights tonight at about half 5. they seem to be strong lazer beams. i then went out to pershore with some friends and saw the same beam over a field, expect the lights i saw were blue and green.

Malcolm Thomas
Last night me and my family saw six strange lights over the Evesham by~pass at first there were six then three in V shape at about8.45pm then they disapeared into thin air.

Most likely cause are low earth orbit satellites or the space station which is visible at the moment from the West, travelling South West.

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