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| Red spider mite Plants affected: Mainly a problem in greenhouses or on pot plants indoors.
Symptoms: Pale speckles on the leaves and, if it’s a bad infestation, fine webs around the tips of the shoots and on young leaves.
Prevention/Control: Very difficult to deal with, even with chemicals. Best avoided by keeping the air humid by damping down greenhouses or spraying plants with water. Destroy affected leaves and shoots. Houseplants can be placed on damp pea gravel or similar to keep a reservoir of moisture around the base.
Cuckoo spit Plants affected: Affects many plants in early summer.
Symptoms: Frothy white ‘spittle’ on plant stems in early summer.
Prevention/Control: A yellowish insect lives inside the froth where it sucks on the sap. It looks more serious than it is. If you can be bothered, wash the ‘spittle’ off with a hose. Otherwise leave it, because it causes no damage.