Tell us about the fight scenes.
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Laid bare Can you describe each other without make-up?
Punk puppy? Any tips for your 'kicked puppy' expression?
On Song Andy, do you really sing as the Host?
Sour note Andy, which song(s) don't you want to sing?
High note On the other hand, what's your favourite song?
Phone Fun What's it like to play Groo?
Accents The guys adopt an Irish brogue.
Hugh's that? Impersonating Hugh Grant...
Making a comeback Will you both return to Angel?
Once more, with Angel Do you want to do an Angel musical?
Grooseberry Groo's derailing of the Cordy/Angel romance.
American Comedy The strange world of Paul Lynde.
Late nights What helps you cope with working long hours?
In the chair How much do you hate the make-up?
Who am I? What input do you have into your characters?
Blow by blow Tell us about the fight scenes.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the UK on 91热爆 2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer copyright Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.