

Radio 4 Appeal 27 August 2017

Image: Imogen enjoying another of the Innovation Centre’s designs

Radio 4 listeners' generous response to Cerebra’s appeal has raised £3,102 to help families who have a child with a brain condition to discover a better life together. 

The money has enabled the charity’s Innovation Centre to continue creating bespoke products for children with brain conditions, helping them to discover life and have fun alongside their friends.

Imogen was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at birth and the condition severely limits movement in her lower body. Imogen’s mum sought help from Cerebra’s Innovation Centre to give her daughter the best opportunity to develop, physically and socially.

The team designed an adapted wheelchair to help her get around her home, out in the garden and further afield. Imogen’s mum said: ‘Daily life used to be so hard - Imogen’s movement was extremely limited, which in turn affected her cognitive development and ability to speak and play with other children. Now she’s a smart and social six-year-old who has been given the opportunity to do everything a child her age should be able to do. If it wasn’t for Cerebra this would have never happened.'

You can find out more about the charity  

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