
Talk Like A Pirate Song

Ahoy (that's pirate talk meaning 'hello') fellow pirates! Celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day on Tuesday 19th September 2023 with your friends by learning some helpful pirate phrases. Then you can sing this song all day long.

It's time to learn how pirates talk! Enjoy these funny pirate sayings.

"Show a leg" is what you say to wake up a shipmate.

"Sail ho" is what you say when a ship comes sailing by.

"Shiver me timbers" is what you say when feeling quite surprised.

"Aye Aye, Captain" is what you say when your Captain gives you orders.

"Scupper that" is what you say when you want the slop thrown out.

Did you learn these pirate phrases fast with this fun Talk Like a Pirate song?

Join the brave Swashbucklers on pirate adventures by finding more fun pirate content here. You can play pirate games, find out what your pirate name would be, learn the Swashbuckle salute and more!

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