
Archives for July 2010

Are there limits to artistic license?

WHYS Team WHYS Team | 21:20 UK time, Friday, 30 July 2010


The author of the international bestseller The Bookseller of Kabul is in trouble. Asne Seierstad's book tells the story of an Afghan family's life in Kabul after the fall of the Taliban. But one of the family members has successfully sued the author for The case has got people around the world talking about the limits of artistic license. So is this a slap in the face for freedom of expression?

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Rwanda's Marcellin Gasana: A clan named after a dog

Ben Sutherland Ben Sutherland | 18:54 UK time, Friday, 30 July 2010

Marcellin Gasana is a Rwandan who took World Have Your Say around the country when we visited last year to . He will be writing a blog post for us each month ahead of this year's elections. This is his first entry.

Although my name is Marcellin Gasana, my clan is the Abengitori. We are well-known for its love towards dogs and I'm actually one of them - and since I was a kid I have to make sure that we have a dog in our family.

And the reason? Well, this is the story my mother told me when I was growing up...dog.jpg

In ancient Rwanda, people used to belong to different tribes depending on history or where they come from.

Once upon a time, an ancient Rwandan king went out for a hunting exercise. He left his wife (queen) with a servant whose responsibility was to keep an eye on the king's property.

Fourteen months later, the king returned from his long journey and found a 6 month-old baby boy in the arms of its mother.

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Does politics need more celebrities?

Pandita Louram | 10:18 UK time, Friday, 30 July 2010



Wyclef Jean is considering running for presidency of Haiti.

It's not the first time a celebrity has turned to politics. Arnold Schwarzenegger - best remembered in Hollywood for his roles as the Terminator - was elected as Republican governor of California in 2003 and actors Ronald Regan and Clint Eastwood and have all moved from the popular arena to the political one.

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On air: Is 'new' journalism irresponsible journalism?

Claudia Bradshaw Claudia Bradshaw | 09:53 UK time, Friday, 30 July 2010


Wikileaks has been accused of after publishing 91,000 classified documents. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen said,

"Mr. Assange can say whatever he likes about the greater good he think he and his source are doing, but the truth is they might already have on their hands the blood of some young soldier or that of an Afghan family,"

For the last few days critics of Wikileaks have said Afghan lives could be in danger because they've been included in the documents the names of civilians who have .

Today the Taliban has said it's going to hunt out the wikileaks informers and

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On air: Is it time for Pakistan to choose which side it's on

Claudia Bradshaw Claudia Bradshaw | 13:34 UK time, Thursday, 29 July 2010

David Cameron in India

Pakistan has been accused of Ìýby the British Prime Minister David Cameron. During a visit to India he said,

we cannot tolerate in any sense the idea that this country is able, in any way, , whether to India or whether to Afghanistan or anywhere else in the world.

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Should fat women be discouraged from having babies?

Chloe Tilley Chloe Tilley | 19:32 UK time, Wednesday, 28 July 2010

pregnantwomen.jpgIt's an old wives tale, that plenty of people told me when I was pregnant.......you should eat for two. Not so, says health experts in the UK who are before trying to concieve to avoid health risks for both mother and baby.

Does telling women to lose weight

Are we saying obese women, shouldn't be parents or

On air: Can you get away with anything in the name of tradition?

Chloe Tilley Chloe Tilley | 14:17 UK time, Wednesday, 28 July 2010

bullfighting.jpgCatalonia today became the first mainland Spanish region to ban bullfighting

The bill went to parliament after 180,000 Catalans signed a petition circulated by an anti-bullfighting group which argues bullfights are cruel to animals. It will take effect in 2012.

But this is a Spanish tradition. To watch bullfighting is often very expensive and you have to actively seek it out, so is it right that it should be banned? What about the argument, if you don't like it don't watch it?

Silvia Barquero is an anti-bullfighting spokeswoman,

"We understand it's a tradition but now is the time to rethink such a bloody act. There are other traditions we can hang on to,"

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What are the rules of war?

Ben Sutherland Ben Sutherland | 09:52 UK time, Wednesday, 28 July 2010

wadudafp.jpgFrance has . But what does that mean - and how does a country fight a war in the modern world?

The French announcement, by the country's prime minister Francois Fillon, comes after 78-year-old hostage hostage Michel Germaneau, abducted in Niger, was killed by the network.

In particular, it is the group's North African branch that the French will target. But how does a country's or a coalition's army go about defeating a loose organisation like al Qaeda?

As the current Nato operation in Afghanistan has shown, attempting to defeat the organisation is no easy task. This was particularly highlighted by Monday's release on Wikileaks of 91,000 documents relating to that conflict, which seemed to suggest the operation was struggling to succeed and had brought about far higher civilian casualties than was being reported.

So what are the rules of war now?

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On air: Has BP done the right thing?

Mark Sandell Mark Sandell | 16:00 UK time, Tuesday, 27 July 2010

hayward.jpg"There's no one who wants this over more than I do. I would love my life back."Ìý

Well it IS over for beleagured BP Chief Executive Tony Hayward and he will have his life back because he'llÌýbe Ìýin October.ÌýHe'll be replaced by ,Ìýanother BP executiveÌýwho is also American.

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Quake survivor Dris Prophete: Hey, it's Haiti man!

Ben Sutherland Ben Sutherland | 14:01 UK time, Tuesday, 27 July 2010

DSC_4266.jpgDris Prophete was a survivor of the Haiti earthquake, and took World Have Your Say around the devastated island when we visited in April. . He will writing a blog post for us each month as people try to recover from the disaster. This is his first entry.

Hello! I'm Dris Prophete, a survivor of the most devastating natural disaster in modern history - the earthquake that hit Haiti on 12 January.

It killed more than 250,000 people and left more than a million and a half homeless.

From now on, I'll keep you informed on a monthly basis, on the latest developments in my homeland where everything changed since that terrible day.

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Should Chelsea Clinton get a break from the media frenzy?

Eleonore Dresch | 10:35 UK time, Tuesday, 27 July 2010

chelseamarc.jpgChelsea Clinton is getting married soon to Marc Mezvinsky. They want to keep the details of their wedding as secret as possible, but - nonetheless - the event has become the object of . Everything from the likely venue, to the possible dress designers are being discussed.

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On air: Are you glad this information is public?

Krupa Thakrar Padhy Krupa Thakrar Padhy | 17:00 UK time, Monday, 26 July 2010

, and have published more than 92,000 secret military files from the detailing the war in Afghanistan.ÌýTheÌýnews hasÌýgot you divided.

Scott on writes,

'To me, Wikileaks doesn't put out information for education's sake, but rather for media glitz and to spur unnecessary controversy.'

Siraj responds,

'They should be given Nobel Peace Prize,or an equivalent in the media industry for bringing out the true picture of Afghanistan!Kudos to them.'

Twitters buzzing over the story. Sanderchan in the Netherlands calls it 'the greatestÌýintelligence leak ever - Wikileaks, a game changer.'

Are you pleased you've been given this information, or like , do you think it's nothing new?

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On air: Does the internet mean we're too quick to judge?

Ben Sutherland Ben Sutherland | 12:23 UK time, Friday, 23 July 2010

sherrod.jpgThe Obama administration has apologised to a former civil servant Shirley Sherrod after she was dismissed following a video that was posted online apparently showing her being racist.

The video had, it later transpired, been edited in a way that removed the context of her speech - and once that became evident, the White House had to say sorry.

Obama said that the man who fired her, Agriculture secretary Tom Vilsack, had "jumped the gun" because "we now live in this media culture where something goes up on YouTube or a blog and everybody scrambles."

So does the internet make us too quick to judge?

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What is the point of an inquiry over Lockerbie?

Ben Sutherland Ben Sutherland | 11:10 UK time, Friday, 23 July 2010


"It is in my experience highly unusual for the legislature of one sovereign state to conduct an inquiry into decisions of another sovereign state."

Those are the words of Jack Straw, former UK foreign secretary, as he considers whether to attend a US Senate hearing into the circumstances surrounding the release of the convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdel Basset al-Megrahi.

What exactly the Senate is investigating is itself up for debate - but clearly one of the key factors is whether lobbying from BP played any part in the release.

But what exactly is the point of all this?

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Does it matter if a country breaks diplomatic relations?

Ben Sutherland Ben Sutherland | 08:46 UK time, Friday, 23 July 2010

chavez.jpgVenezuela has suspended diplomatic ties with Colombia and ordered Colombian diplomats to leave the country after being accused of being a haven for guerrillas.

The country's president Hugo Chavez said he had "no choice" to act following the accusations that his country is harbouring the Marxist Farc rebels.

And he said outgoing Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has the capacity to use the claims "to attack us and cause a war."

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Is North Korea misunderstood?

WHYS Team WHYS Team | 19:30 UK time, Thursday, 22 July 2010

NKkids.jpgIt might be an understatement to say that North Korea is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma... But the hermit kingdom is all over the news and the diplomatic heat is rising. Just today North Korea the forthcoming US-South Korea naval excercises as a threat to global peace, a spokesman said
Such movements pose a great threat not only to the peace and security of the Korean peninsula but also to global peace and security

So what should the rest of the world make of North Korea?

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On Air: If you lie for sex, are you guilty of rape?

Ben Sutherland Ben Sutherland | 10:27 UK time, Thursday, 22 July 2010

East Jerusalem, where Kashur lives (file photo)An Israeli man has been found guilty of "rape by deception" after telling a woman he was Jewish - when in fact he was an Arab.

30-year-old Sabbar Kusher was sentenced to 18 months by an Israeli court - a verdict he has described as "racist."

The sex was entirely consensual - that is not disputed.

But the judge, Zvi Segal, wrote:

"If she had not thought the accused was a Jewish bachelor interested in a serious relationship, she would not have co-operated. The court is obliged to protect the public interest from sophisticated, smooth-tongued criminals who can deceive innocent victims at an unbearable price - the sanctity of their bodies and souls."

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On Air: Does setting a date to get troops out of Afghanistan mean the Taliban has won?

Alicia Trujillo Alicia Trujillo | 10:40 UK time, Wednesday, 21 July 2010


could leave Afghanistan in 2014. The international community supports President Hamid Karzai's goal that Afghan forces should lead security operations across the country in four years time.

This article in the says one of the reasons why there is this new commitment is because countries who have troops there, acknowledged that neither the public in their own countries nor the Afghan people had much patience left.

The Western European democracies with the most troops in the country - Britain, France and Germany - are under great domestic pressure to reduce their presence, while the United States, which has by far the heaviest military presence, is hewing to a "conditions based" approach that allows its forces to slow any drawdowns in areas where the insurgency appears more tenacious or where Afghan troops and the police appear to have inadequate capabilities.

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On Air: Should you be paid for not having a job?

Ben James Ben James | 13:46 UK time, Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Unemployment rally in Philadelphia last month (AP Photo/Matt Rourke, file)The $33 billion of USÌýtaxpayers' money about to be spent on extending unemployment benefits has sparked online in the past few days.

President ObamaÌýhas been Ìýahead of in the Senate which looks like it'll finally approve the spendingÌýon 2.5 million jobless Americans; or as Obama put it:

... honest, decent, hardworking folks who've fallen on hard times through no fault of their own, and who have nowhere else to turn except unemployment benefits and who need emergency relief to help them weather this economic storm.

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On Air: Do we have real friends anymore?

Krupa Thakrar Padhy Krupa Thakrar Padhy | 11:00 UK time, Tuesday, 20 July 2010


I once heard an old man say that if you can count your good friends on one hand, then you've had a good life. Friendship takes time, effort and commitment - that's if you go about it the old fashioned way.

You can now clock up those numbers by renting a friend online. A new website Rentafriend.com has come to the UK, having already been a hit in the US and Canada. The idea of renting a buddy is nothing to new to some parts of the world, where it's common culture.

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Do summits make any difference?

Krupa Thakrar Padhy Krupa Thakrar Padhy | 10:44 UK time, Tuesday, 20 July 2010

conference.jpgMany of you who follow us on have been wanting to talk about the African for a numberÌýof days now. But it's not the onlyÌýbig meetingÌýin town. Idowu asked to talk about the and there's a great deal of hype surrounding the .ÌýÌý

Dun in Uganda posted,Ìý

'With a predetermined communique, we are certainly fooling everyone! The AU summit is another photo opportunity!'Ìý

Alexander in Moscow tweeted,

'That useless international conference in Kabul probably costs a fortune. What a waste of time and money!'

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Should prostitution ads be banned from mainstream Spanish press?

Eleonore Dresch | 10:31 UK time, Tuesday, 20 July 2010

prostitution.JPGThe Spanish government provoked the ire of the national newspapers when it announced a .
Prime Minister Jose Luis Zapatero said that "as long as these advertisements exist, they contribute to the idea of this activity as normal"

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On Air: Should Afghanistan and Pakistan receive more aid?

Krupa Thakrar Padhy Krupa Thakrar Padhy | 10:54 UK time, Monday, 19 July 2010

aid.jpgHillary Clinton says to Pakistan to develop its infrastructure and energy resources.

he's going to get tough on countries who pledged billions of dollars to Haiti but haven't delivered yet.

Americans on the (and other sites)Ìýsay the Secretary of State and the former President have got to sort out their priorities.

G52:This is an outrage! How about some support for retraining American workers and shoring up unemployment? We could also use some of that for education! IN THIS COUNTRY!

Rchwel: The day of buying pseudo friends and setting up puppet governments has to end, to hell with Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan, let's take care of Americans first !

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What would you like your radio to do?

Nuala McGovern Nuala McGovern | 10:52 UK time, Monday, 19 July 2010

I came across this linking to . Cridland on how to make radio even better, it includes sharing bits of radio instantly with friends, subject-based browsing and allowing you to 'like' content via Facebook thumbs-up. What would make the experience better for you? What would you add?

Should this film be banned?

Krupa Thakrar Padhy Krupa Thakrar Padhy | 09:52 UK time, Monday, 19 July 2010

Tere_Bin_Laden.jpgHe's done anÌýoutstanding job of keeping out of the limelight for almost a decade now, but even Osama Bin Laden cannot hide from grasp ofÌýBollywood.

TheÌýindustry'sÌýlatest release, Tere Bin Laden (Without You Bin Laden) has just been and its release . on the comedy.

The Pakistan government fear that the movie might trigger violence. calls the move 'pandering to supporters of the world's most wanted man.'

There's no shortage of disappointed Pakistani movie-goers - have a read of .


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Meet the team: Ben Sutherland

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Ben Sutherland Ben Sutherland | 15:42 UK time, Friday, 16 July 2010

Ben Sutherland


I joined the WHYS team for the 2010 World Cup, to run the show's sister programme World Cup Have Your Say (you see what they did there.) It was fantastic work - particularly the banter with the fans from across the world - and even though although England's disastrous showing was somewhat deflating (even if so predictable even I could, er, predict it) at least I wasn't supporting France. Indeed, possibly my tournament highlight was when Patrick in Paris contacted the show to say he wanted to renounce his nationality and become English...

The day after Spain (rightly) took the trophy following that, frankly, was more like watching someone else playing and about as entertaining, I joined the regular WHYS team full-time.

Ben Sutherland running the SuperPower Nation message board

SuperPower Nation was the first time I really met up with the WHYS team

I'd worked with some of the guys here before, not least during the 91Èȱ¬'s SuperPower season, when I had run the editorial side of the SuperPower Nation message board - a massive experiment between the 91Èȱ¬ and to let people talk to each other online in different languages, which would then automatically translate it into their own tongue. It was technology that we would go on to use successfully for both WHYS and WCHYS, and something I hope ultimately will be a regular part of the programme.

I love online innovation and, having worked for both the and 91Èȱ¬ News website over the last eight years, I've been lucky enough to be involved in some really pioneering projects. Back in 2007, I ran the online side of the Bangladesh Boat Project, ultimately collecting the Sony Gold Award for Multiplatform Radio Production (coincidentally, on the same night that ). It's mildly interesting to note that this was one of the first times the 91Èȱ¬ used for broadcast news (although 91Èȱ¬ Sport's legendary Tom Fordyce and Ben Dirs had used it for their journey through France for the Rugby World Cup earlier that year). Indeed, at one point in the Sundarbands jungle when virtually all our bits of kit were struggling to work, Twitter was the only way we had been able to broadcast at all...

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On Air: Is ordaining women really as bad as child sex abuse?

Chloe Tilley Chloe Tilley | 10:33 UK time, Friday, 16 July 2010

ordainedwomen.jpg.... It has published new religious rules that set both sins at the same level of gravity and recommended the same punishment for guilty priests. The Vatican, together with the Catholic wing of the Church of England, believes that since Christ chose no women disciples, it is wrong for women to assume leadership in the Church. A .

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On Air: Would you change your skin colour if you could ?

Mark Sandell Mark Sandell | 10:32 UK time, Friday, 16 July 2010

skincolour.jpgFacebook users in India are being offered a chance to make themselves appear whiter online as part of a marketing campaign by the skincare company Vaseline. The site is doing well but not everyone approves - Ember Rayne Hulett in Virginia posted :


"Black is Beautiful. You don't need a cream to be cool"

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Why is President Obama so unpopular ?

Mark Sandell Mark Sandell | 10:10 UK time, Friday, 16 July 2010

teapartypic.jpgAccording to the latest polls, 51 per cent of Americans would like to see a Republican Congress elected in November - and just 13 per cent say the President's economic plan has helped them personally.

A Washington Post/ABC News poll found 6 in ten Americans lacked faith in Mr Obama's ability to make for the country.

44 per cent of Americans of his handling of the war in Afghanistan.
And one other stat : 73 per cent stance on banning deepwater oil drilling in reponse to the BP disaster.

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Philip Pullman reads an extract from his latest book on WHYS

Chloe Tilley Chloe Tilley | 09:08 UK time, Friday, 16 July 2010

Philip Pullman talking to WHYS

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Chloe Tilley Chloe Tilley | 19:27 UK time, Thursday, 15 July 2010

On air: Philip Pullman live on WHYS on Thursday

Ros Atkins Ros Atkins | 16:15 UK time, Thursday, 15 July 2010

pullman.jpgA few months ago I read twith and I immediately thought that it would be fascinating to have him come onto WHYS and talk with all of us. The headline read: 'I hope the wretched Catholic church will vanish entirely'.

With the help of Fiona (who's in charge at of requesting interviews with well-known guests), and of course Philip Pullman himself, we've managed to set it up. On Thursday, he'll join us for both editions (1700GMT for the world bar Africa, 1800GMT for the Africa) to discuss his beliefs about religion and Catholicism.

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A first for Latin America

Alicia Trujillo Alicia Trujillo | 07:32 UK time, Thursday, 15 July 2010

Today is the first time I have seen a trending topic on Twitter which was in spanish, it was matrimoniogay#, this is because Argentina has become the first country in Latin America to legalise gay marriage. The vote was debated for 14 hours, and passed by 6 votes. This says 200'000 people protested against the law outside the Senate.

edelcarril tweets in spanish: you make me feel sad Argentina.

GuillermolopezV tweets : Congratulations Argentina on Approving gay marriage! I'm so proud as a Latin American.

jadaoz‎: Congrats to Argentina for being the first Latin American country to legalize gay marriage and gay couples to adopt kids!

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On air: Does an artist's private life overshadow their work?

Ben Sutherland Ben Sutherland | 09:42 UK time, Wednesday, 14 July 2010

gibson386.jpgPolice in the US are to review allegations that actor and director Mel Gibson hit his ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva - just as a new set of is released.

Since the start of this month three tapes allegedly containing Gibson using racist language towards his ex-girlfriend have been released on the internet. While Gibson has not responded, their authenticity has not been denied, and he has been .

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On Air: Your Questions on Somalia

WHYS Team WHYS Team | 17:14 UK time, Tuesday, 13 July 2010


Hi Nuala here.

We asked you to post your ideas for today's show on and so many of responded that you want to talk further about , and in particular the role of Somalia.

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Should religion be off limits to modern art?

Krupa Thakrar Padhy Krupa Thakrar Padhy | 16:46 UK time, Tuesday, 13 July 2010

crossnails.jpgA crucified Christ with an Order of Lenin medal in place of his head and Mickey Mouse's face on Jesus' body - these are just a couple of the images that make up the 'Forbidden Art

The exhibition does what it says on the tin - it's forbidden - at leastÌýin Russia where the curators of inciting hatred and given hefty fines worth thousands of dollars.

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Do you admire the anti-hero?

Claudia Bradshaw Claudia Bradshaw | 10:36 UK time, Tuesday, 13 July 2010


Ìý Colton Harris-Moore aka the 'Barefoot Bandit'19 year old aka the ' has been taken into custody in the Bahamas after two years on the run and a string of crimes to his name. Colton has been compared to Leo DiCaprio's character in the film Catch Me If You Can and has inspired a following of over 80,000 on his .

The hunt for the UK gunman, , ended on Friday night when he shot himself after a six hour standoff with police in Rothbury in the north of England, but not before he had captured the attention of thousands of people by evading the police for so long.Ìý

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Does being a parent make you happier?

Eleonore Dresch | 10:22 UK time, Tuesday, 13 July 2010

kidspix.jpgAccording to an article published last week in the New York magazine, the answer is NO!
And the more children you have, the unhappier you are likely to be.
The author, Jennifer Senior, has plenty of research to support her argument. Parents surveyed say they experience a distinct drop in happiness after they have kids.

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World Cup Have Your Say on TV

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Ben James Ben James | 19:30 UK time, Monday, 12 July 2010

They think it's all over? It isn't yet ... Here's a bit more World Cup chat, if you missed it!

In a TV edition of the show a bit earlier on the 91Èȱ¬ World News channel, Ros was joined by former World Cup referee Graham Poll, Kenyan footballer Doreen Nabwire Omondi, Rich Mkhondo from South Africa's Organising Committee and fans from Spain, the Netherlands and Brazil to talk about that feisty final, amongst other things.

Watch Part 1 here ...

... and click below to see Parts 2 & 3 in the rest of this post ...

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Uganda : Where watching the football was a matter of life and death

Mark Sandell Mark Sandell | 13:35 UK time, Monday, 12 July 2010

ugandavictim.jpgAt least 74 people have been killed and easily as many injured afterrocked the capital, Kampala - aimed at people crowded into a club and restaurant to watch the World Cup Final.

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Haiti , six months on - still feeling the shocks...

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Mark Sandell Mark Sandell | 13:34 UK time, Monday, 12 July 2010

haiticemetery.jpgWHYS was in Haiti a few months ago and judging by the reports from ourÌýcolleagues coming out of Port-Au-Prince, .


Despite millions of dollars of aid pledged- and a good deal of it actually delivered - the mayor of one town an hour's drive from the capital, said :

" It still looks like the earthquake hit yesterday"

More than a million people are still homeless, many piles of rubble lay unmoved..

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Free Roman Polanski

Mark Sandell Mark Sandell | 13:33 UK time, Monday, 12 July 2010

polanski.jpgThe film director will from his Swiss chalet to face charges in the U.S for having sex with a 13 year old girl in 1977.

The Swiss Justice Ministry is quoted as saying the "measures of restriction on his liberty have been lifted."

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World Cup Final special: live on 91Èȱ¬ World News television

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Ros Atkins Ros Atkins | 17:20 UK time, Sunday, 11 July 2010

sport.jpgREACT TO THE GAME AS IT HAPPENS . So here we go. We're 63 games down and the only one left is the one that matters the most. I'm going to be on air for the duration of the game on , and you can throughout.

Meanwhile Tom from the WHYS will be online here and from 1800GMT. You can also follow the match on 91Èȱ¬ Sport's brilliant (I'm not biased, it is) .

Give us your reaction to the team news, and then the action, and I'll get as much of it as I can onto the 91Èȱ¬ World News coverage.

My prediction? 1-1 at full-time, 2-1 Spain in extra-time.

On Air: Does this World Cup need a great final?

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Ben James Ben James | 06:48 UK time, Sunday, 11 July 2010

Fans arrive in Johannesburg for the World Cup final - Gianluigi Guercia/AFP/Getty Images

We discussed this on World Cup Have Your Say on Sunday 11th July.

63 games down, 1 to go.

That one remaining match is of course the small matter of the World Cup final.

What do you think of this analysis of the tournamentÌýby today?

Not enough good games and not enough goals (despite a ridiculous ball). Only an outstanding final can put gloss on a tournament whose lasting legacy will be goalline technology.

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The World Cup Have Your Say awards

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Mark Sandell Mark Sandell | 11:00 UK time, Saturday, 10 July 2010


Update: It's nearly time for the World Cup Have Your Say awards to be announced - but there's still time for you to put your nominations in.

The original entry, explaining the idea and published in June,Ìýis below.


Cheer up Raymond, you might still win something - even if it's just one of the World Cup Have Your Say Awards.

I would say Mr Domenech could be a shoo-in for "The Least Gracious Loser" award after his refusal to shake the hand of Bafana Bafana coach Carlos Alberto Parreira - but that's in your hands.

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On air: How successful was the 2010 World Cup?

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Ben Sutherland Ben Sutherland | 07:01 UK time, Saturday, 10 July 2010

When something goes smoothly, effectively and without a hitch, it is a boring story.

So it is to the immense credit of those in charge of the 2010 World Cup that we have heard almost nothing about the organisation.

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On air: World Cup Team Talk: it's time to pitch in

Pandita Louram | 13:45 UK time, Friday, 9 July 2010

_48302701_paul.jpgMulti-lingual World Cup Have Your Say is LIVE NOW. Click here to take part.

So the final is on Sunday but what have you really thought of South Africa's World Cup?

From the sound of vuvuzelas to those questionable referee decisions, the propehtic powers of Paul the Octopus to the odd inglorious win, tonight World Have Your Say is hosting World Cup Team Talk and we want to hear from you.

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On air: Should you get paid for playing for your country?

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Ben James Ben James | 06:00 UK time, Friday, 9 July 2010

Ghana goalkeeper Richard Kingson meets Winnie Madikizela Mandela - AFP PHOTO / Debbie Yazbek / Nelson Mandela Foundation Ghana's footballers have returned from the World Cup to a heroes' welcome in Accra, after their quarter final exit against Uruguay.

As well as the warm feeling of praise from their fellow citizens, they will have been consoledÌýin defeatÌý from their government:

Goalkeeper Richard Kingson, who spoke on behalf of the players, thanked the President for "fuelling our energy with $20,000".

But shouldn't the honour of representing your nation be enough?

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On Air: Isn't it up to Iran to decide how it punishes its own people?

Pandita Louram | 11:10 UK time, Thursday, 8 July 2010

_48284709_48284710.jpgIranian mother of two Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani could be at any moment unless an international campaign forces the authorities in Iran to change their mind.

Sakineh was convicted of adultery in 2006 - a conviction her lawyer calls bogus - and has already received 99 lashes. However, the case was reopened after a court suspected her of murdering her husband. She was acquitted but the adultery charge was reviewed and the death penalty handed down.

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On air: Should she have been sacked?

Mark Sandell Mark Sandell | 10:34 UK time, Thursday, 8 July 2010

fadallah.jpg"Sad to hear of the passing of Sayyed Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah... One of Hezbollah's giants I respect a lot. #Lebanon"

That's the Tweet which of veteran Middle East editor Octavia Nasr from CNN.

She says it was "an error of judgement" and the U.S TV network says she was fired because her credibility had been "compromised" .

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On Air: Did you enjoy Germany v Spain?

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Ben James Ben James | 06:40 UK time, Thursday, 8 July 2010

Carlos Puyol's head got Spain into the final - JOHN MACDOUGALL/AFP/Getty ImagesObviously the answer is easy if you're Spanish or German, but reaction to the semi-final last night is divided elsewhere.

It seems to getÌýto the heart of the different things peopleÌýwantÌýfrom watching aÌýfootball match.

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On air: Has Arizona got it right on immigration?

Pandita Louram | 10:21 UK time, Wednesday, 7 July 2010

_48261555_009748050-1.jpgLawmakers in Arizona wanted to give police the power to stop those who look like illegal immigrants on the street.ÌýAt the time weÌýaskedÌýyou: isÌýthe lawÌýracist?ÌýNow they've been stopped by the US government. Australian politicians have a number of solutions to deal with refugees including turning back the boats or setting up new detention centres.

One thing's for certain. Everyone's afraid. Illegal immigrants of being found out. Asylum seekers of being sent back. Governments of jeopardising security.

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On air: Holland - "winning matches, not friends"

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Ben James Ben James | 07:10 UK time, Wednesday, 7 July 2010

John Heitinga gives Wesley Sneijder a lift home from Cape Town - AP Photo/Schalk van Zuydam

We talked about this on World Cup Have Your Say on Wednesday 7th July. .

That's how puts it, the morning after the Dutch got through to the World Cup final.

in Cape Town; it's the first time they've got this far in 32 years.

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On Air: How important is it to the world that Israel and the US get along?

Mark Sandell Mark Sandell | 17:00 UK time, Tuesday, 6 July 2010


Binyamin Netanyahu's on his way to the U.S for more talks with President Obama today. The Israeli PM arrives with questions , according to article, "that rarely get asked in Washington"

: is Israel ‑ or, at the very least, its current government ‑ endangering US security and American troops?

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Would you like to know how you'll die?

Pandita Louram | 15:52 UK time, Tuesday, 6 July 2010

_47233385_alzheimers.jpgScientists are a step closer to developing a test able to predict if someone .

The simple blood test would be able to give a result up to ten years before any symptoms begin to show. About 35 million people across the world suffer from Alzheimer's - a form of dementia with symptoms which include severe memory loss. There is currently no cure for the disease.

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On air: Who have been the best players from each continent?

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Ben Sutherland Ben Sutherland | 06:32 UK time, Tuesday, 6 July 2010

This topic was discussed on World Cup Have Your Say on 6 July 2010. .

Fans from countries around the world may remember .

Groups of people set up mini leagues, and selected the players they thought would win most points throughout a season by scoring the most goals, keeping clean sheets and so on. Many newspapers still run similar competitions.

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World Cup Have Your Say on TV

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Ben Sutherland Ben Sutherland | 06:24 UK time, Tuesday, 6 July 2010

There has been a succession of controversial incidents over the crucial games at the World Cup finals.

But has that tainted what has so far been seen a generally successful tournament?

We're on the 91Èȱ¬ World News channel, every week during the World Cup at 1430-1500 GMT.

Watch today's edition again here

... and see the rest of entry for the second and the third parts of the show.

On air: Is it your duty to help the police ?

Mark Sandell Mark Sandell | 14:17 UK time, Monday, 5 July 2010

policestation.jpgInterpol - the international police agency - to find hundreds of fugitives wanted for murder or rape or other serious crimes.

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Forgive and forget?

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Ben James Ben James | 12:22 UK time, Monday, 5 July 2010

Brazil's Felipe Melo is escorted by police after arriving back in Rio de Janeiro - REUTERS/Bruno DomingosThere's a lot of emotion around a nation's trials and tribulations at aÌýWorld Cup.

All but fourÌýteams have now been sentÌýhome and the circumstances of defeat have created the latest rogues' gallery of footballing villains.

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Should everyone have a month off sex?

Claudia Bradshaw Claudia Bradshaw | 12:02 UK time, Monday, 5 July 2010


Scientists fighting the Aids epidemic are calling on Africans to stop having sex for a month.ÌýThey say it could cut new infections by almost half. According to their research a person with HIV is most likely to pass the on virus to somebody else during the 1st month after they've been infected.

One of the scientists, , thinks a month-long pledge to use a condom could also be effective.

"The main thing is to agree on a bounded period in which the entire population would live by the same rule".

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Your questions for World Cup referee Graham Poll

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Ben Sutherland Ben Sutherland | 08:39 UK time, Sunday, 4 July 2010


Graham Poll answered your questions on World Cup Have Your Say on Mon 5 July. to the programme.

As is so often the way in football, refereeing controversies have played a crucial part at the 2010 World Cup finals.

Poll referred to Uruguay's Luis Suarez's only getting a one-match ban for the controversial incident against Ghana as a "cheat's charter".

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On air: Why has Europe lasted the World Cup course?

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Ben Sutherland Ben Sutherland | 06:15 UK time, Sunday, 4 July 2010

klose.jpgThis topic was discussed on World Cup Have Your Say on 4 July 2010. .

For so long, there was discussion about how this was .

But as we get to the business end of the tournament, , only one team from that part of the world are left - Uruguay - and that . Had Asamoah Gyan only managed to convert his penalty, they would have joined Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay on an (admittedly rather large) plane back over the southern Atlantic.

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On air: Should 'penalty goals' be adopted by football?

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Ben Sutherland Ben Sutherland | 23:13 UK time, Friday, 2 July 2010


There are so many talking points in the aftermath of Ghana's 4-2 defeat to Uruguay on penalties that it is tempting to suggest it hard to know where to begin - except that, like a thumb that is not only sore but has repeatedly been hit by an Acme mallet, one thing sticks out above all else.

That is the issue of the drama in the very last minute of extra time.

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On air: How can suicide bombing be stopped?

Ros Atkins Ros Atkins | 13:17 UK time, Friday, 2 July 2010

SC.jpgYesterday, suicide bombers in Lahore.

Meanwhile, at least four people by suicide bombers attacking the office of a US development organisation in the northern Afghan province of Kunduz.

Both cases again highlight the difficulties in stopping an attack carried out by someone who's prepared to die.

As our newsroom reports, 'police in Pakistan had earlier been congratulating themselves that last month was the first for two years without any suicide bombings in the country'. So clearly some progress had been made, but not enough.

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Banning music lessons anti-islamic or anti-fun?

Alicia Trujillo Alicia Trujillo | 11:11 UK time, Friday, 2 July 2010


"Some of the parents don't want children to play musical instruments and they don't have music in their homes. For goodwill I allow that parent to withdraw their child from all music but I am in fact denying the child the opportunity that the other children in the class have"

Is what Eileen Ross the headteacher of the Herbert Morrison Primary School in south London told the .

Many of you have been reacting to this story: On twitter timfoxon says

Many Muslim children are being deprived of school music lessons by their parents.

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Do we overreact when our team's knocked out?

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Ben James Ben James | 20:30 UK time, Thursday, 1 July 2010

Yakub-oo-er: Does the effect of one man's miss mean everything is wrong with a nation's football? - Getty Images

This topic was discussed on World Cup Have Your Say on 2 July 2010. .

Eight teams are left standing in the World Cup, which means the hopes of 24 sets of fans have been dashed by their country's elimination.

The reaction to defeat has ranged from resignation to the inevitable to national soul-searching, self-flagellation and the sort of government intervention we've been debating in the last day in Nigeria and elsewhere.

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On air: Should governments stay out of football?

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Ros Atkins Ros Atkins | 14:03 UK time, Thursday, 1 July 2010

jonathan.jpghas a strict rule that national football associations must be independent of their country's government. So it's no surprise that Fifa's not impressed with . The Super Eagles have been withdrawn from international competition until 2012 and the Football Association has been dissolved.


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Access to internet: a legal right?

WHYS Team WHYS Team | 13:52 UK time, Thursday, 1 July 2010

_48228424_607-2.jpg Finland has become the first country to make access to broadband for every citizen.

The Finnish deal means that from 1 July all telecommunications companies will be obliged to provide all residents with broadband lines that can run at a minimum speed of 1 megabit per second. The government has promised to connect everyone to a 100Mbps connection by 2015.

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Do you prefer to do business with white people?

Claudia Bradshaw Claudia Bradshaw | 11:30 UK time, Thursday, 1 July 2010


White people for hireIf you're white, you're hired.ÌýIf you live in China, that is. Chinese companies are recruiting foreigners, regardlessÌýof experience, to pretend to beÌýseniorÌýemployees... and the only qualification they need is to be Caucasian.

on the 91Èȱ¬'s World UpdateÌýwith a man calledÌýÌýwho's done this job.


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Is the Taliban winning ?

Mark Sandell Mark Sandell | 10:41 UK time, Thursday, 1 July 2010

talibannewpic.jpgThe Taliban are in :

"We do not want to talk to anyone - not to [President Hamid] Karzai, nor to any foreigners - till the foreign forces withdraw from Afghanistan"

They believe they've got NATO forces on the run and in disarray and therefore see no no need to compromise.

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Will India ever qualify for a World Cup?

Ben Sutherland Ben Sutherland | 07:00 UK time, Thursday, 1 July 2010


We discussed this on World Cup Have Your Say on Thursday 1st July. to the programme.

When India goes crazy for sport, it's normally over a bat and a ball - Sachin Tendulkar, the Indian Premier League, theÌýgame of cricket.

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