Peidiwch! [Don't!]
Another Wenglish entry as dwi'n dysgu Cymraeg [I'm learning Welsh]
Dwi'n ffindio fo'n mwy haws a naturiol i ddefnyddio Cymraeg - pan dwi'n gweiddi ar fy mhlant yn unig!
[I'm finding it more easy and natural to use Cymraeg - only when I'm shouting at my children!]
Commands - adding a throaty 'wch' at the end of a Welsh word - works a treat.
Peidiwch [Don't] is a good one when trying to keep my three year old from poking pens in the wall socket.
And arhoswch! [Wait] came in handy last week when we spent a few days at Disneyland Paris - the distinctive sound clearly audible over the other parents as the kids skipped ahead.