Easter newt hunt
No, it's not a tongue twister, it's an of some of our lesser known species here in Britain - newts.
The information you provide will be used to create a newt map of Britain and help with newt conservation in our gardens.
Many garden ponds have them, especially palmate and smooth newts but you'll rarely get to see them unless you sit still and wait for them to surface for air every now and again. You can .
If you want to find out more about pond dipping then take a look at the .

A smooth newt by Joy.
I remember going fishing when I was about 10 years old in Bosheston Quarry when it was still open to the public.
I always wanted to catch one of the gigantic carp that lived in there but didn't catch a single fish. Instead, I kept pulling up smooth newts, which were hanging on to the worms I was using as bait!
You can find out more about great crested newts, our rarest species of newt in Wales on our nature & outdoors website.
Hope you find some,
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