Never mind the Baltics
I'm sorry if any of our viewers were offended by Jeremy's use of the word "bollocks" (which, if you want, you can see here).
Jeremy was - jovially - expressing his annoyance that Newsnight had been duped by a press release from the Baltic Centre which claimed that Sam Taylor Wood's latest work showed a man playing a cello which had been digitally removed.
Many of our viewers contacted us to say they thought he was simply miming, and when we contacted the artist she admitted that that was indeed the case. I think Jeremy was attracted by the alliteration of the "Baltic talking bollocks", and in mitigation it was 11.15pm.
I guess the real question is... how the hell did you get sucked in by the Baltic Centre in the first place?
At least Newsnight had the "balls" to own up to being duped!
Come on, surely this "incident" wasn't THAT bad? Channel 4 managed to broadcast a far worse swear word (the queen of swear words I believe it's known as) mid-way through an afternoon's racing the other day. I think at 11.15pm the British public is nowadays quite capable of handling bollocks.
Jeremy is such a chicken he hasn't even got his own blog!
Peter, you've got to protect this pussy cat.
Never Mind the Bollocks was all over the shops 30 years ago, I think we are used to it by now. "Baltic talking bollocks" is almost poetic !