It's Jeremy Rawlins..
.... with whom we are frolicking today, Big Sister. He usually edits or "assists" on the PM desk. Nice Somerset lad . Never mind your Paxos and Vines!
Thanks for your Alan Johnson thoughts. He's actually a really decent minister to interview because he engages with you, and isn't afraid to use a bit of humour from time to time. As you can gather, it was a bit of a mad scramble to gather our interviews last thursday. I'm sure this Thursday, with Tony Blair's announcement of his timetable for departure will be along the same lines.!
all the best,
Thanks for that, Carolyn - but wouldn't Mr. Fisher have been fun? ;o)
Your thoughts about Alan Johnston are quite revealing - He did sound 'nice' (an odd term to use about a politician, imho!) in your interview, though a strange choice for Education Secretary. I thought you both came out of that exchange extremely well.
Hope the prog goes well for you tonight, and congratulations on getting the Glass Box up and running in good time.
How pleasant to be able to say such positive things about an interviewee.
How pleasant to say them!
I did a doublw-take when I saw Alan Johnson's name, then reminded myself that the journalist who is so much in the thoughts of so many is Alan JohnsTon