Visualised journeys
Hello Outriders!
This week on the podcast you'll notice that I have actually been outside of the broom cupboard and away from a large keyboard in order to find out more about seeing our journeys. Anniemole is the blogger and Sam Mullens is the director of the , we met at the Sense and the City exhibition at the museum to talk about how the gadget in your pocket could play a big part in the future of how you get around.
Interestingly the exhibition not only promises a hack-day soon, it also provides some beautiful visualisations of how we get around the city. Something that is closely linked to the second guest in the podcast.
is a statistics Phd Student who has written a book called "Visualize This". It's a great guide for those who may be interested in creating their own visualisations but are not sure where to start.
That's all for this week - but you can always drop a line if you are up to something interesting online that we should all know about or if there is something going on where you would like to know more.
Until next week!
~ Jamillah
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