Ouch! podcast extra: would you date a fellow disabled person?

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Rob and Liz reveal whether they have ever gone out with a disabled person and discuss whether seeing someone with a similar impairment would be a recipe for disaster, or the stuff of dreams.
They share their personal dating experiences and tackle this sensitive issue head on in a very honest Ouch! Talk Show Podcast Extra.
Comment number 1.
At 15th Feb 2012, treborc wrote:I married my wife in 1971 she had Spina Bifida although she could walk she had many problems, we have been married now 40 years, sadly for me I became disabled after an accident at work.
I have no problem with disability once you meet somebody then disability is just part of who you/they are.
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Comment number 2.
At 15th Feb 2012, Jenny wrote:I went out with a disabled man about eight years or so ago. It didn't last that long but that certainly wasn't because of his disability. To be honest, I didn't even notice it at first. He had both thumbs missing which although minor in the scheme of things, did cause him problems with a lot of day to day activity.
I really don't mind who I meet, disabled or not. Wasn't it Shakespeare who said, 'A good heart, O Kate, is the sun and the moon'.
I stand by that. I'm single again now and have been for seven years but hoping to meet somebody through something that my son has put me onto called www.marrymymumoff.co.uk I'll let you know how it goes!
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