In with the old: New Year articles from the Ouch! Archives

As 2004 drew to a close, Victoria Lucas took a wry look at the six things she'd quite like to change or improve about her self and her life. Being nice to non-disabled people, losing her outer 91Èȱ¬r Simpson and learning to enjoy exercise made the list.
In a new year, a new you,Tom Shakespeare was much more specific in his goal. He resolved to tackle that age old problem, weight gain. As a person of short stature, Tom was worried about excess pressure on his joints and was determined to spend January 2007 battling the bulge.
Resolutions are a bit lower down on Laurence Clark's agenda as the inevitable count down to midnight begins. He was born early on New Year's day morning. This badly timed entrance into the world has kept his birthday presents and parties to a minimum, but that's not all. Laurence believes that a little too much party spirit in the hospital while his mum was in labour that New Year's eve night, is the reason why he has cerebral palsy.
And finally, at the end of last year, Disability Bitch looked into her crystal ball and made her predictions for 2011. We already know that DB is as grumpy and cynical as they come, but how accurate was she?
A very happy New Year to you all, from the Ouch! team.
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