The African Forum on Blindness

Right now in the Ghanaian capital Acra, 350 blind and visually impaired people from thirty countries across the continent, are attending the fifth . National and international organisations supporting people with sight loss and relevant assistive technology companies are also represented.
The theme for this unique week-long conference is "Access Africa - Exploiting the Full Benefit of Social Inclusion of all Persons".
Insight Radio, an RNIB run station of particular interest to blind people, has sent two reporters along. Throughout the event, Steven Scott and Robert Kirkwood have been chatting to a whole range of blind and visually impaired Africans about life as a blind person in their society and their hopes for the future.
All of their interviews, including a piece with Starlight Vocal Band, a group of VI musicians from across Ghana, are now available to listen to or download from the Insight Radio website's dedicated page.
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