Writer's Block (Coping with Depression)
- 31 Oct 07, 7:26 PM
Writer’s block doesn’t happen to me very often. Usually ideas are just bouncing off the ceiling and I can’t type them into my word-processing software or make my little rabbit paw mark on other people’s weblogs fast enough.
But just recently, I’ve been going through a low patch. Why? I don’t know. Sometimes, there is no rhyme or reason to it. I feel low, unconfident, and the words just won’t flow. I loose all interest in eating carrots and want to snuggle back under the straw in my rabbit hutch and not come out for a while.
Not good, when I’ve been commissioned to write a blog for the 91Èȱ¬ and I want my writing ability to shine through!
So what can I do to break this depressive stupor and provide you avid readers with an insight into how I cope with my affliction?
Here’s some Bipolar Works top tips that I use for coping with depression:
1. Activity makes you feel better so do something even if it’s only a couple of jobs round the house or a trip out to the corner shop to get a paper or magazine.
2. Re-frame the problem – it’s not that bad, really. Write down all the positives about your situation and you may just find a solution.
3. Watch your favourite films (as long as they are not sad and make you cry or horror movies).
4. Listen to a selection of your favourite music.
5. Re-read your favourite inspiring book.
6. Arrange to go out with your friends (you will feel better once you are out of the house).
7. Have a relaxing bath (at least you will be clean and sweetly smelling).
8. There are various support networks on the Web to provide mutual support offers an email support group called DAtalk and a penpal service and offers an E-Community. Plenty of useful advice and support can be found there for people with depression and bipolar disorder.
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