Blueprinting Slieve Gullion
I've spent the day with the Blueprint team on , in the Cooley Mountains of south Armagh.
You need to climb (or drive) to a decent altitude to fully appreciate the "", an almost globally unique arrangement of hills stemming from our volcanic period some 50 million years ago.
Peter and Dave set up the jib at a suitably impressive viewing point -- which meant schlepping a crane and camera equipment up a hill and building it on location -- and we filmed the final sequence of the first programme in the series. Natalie and Seamus gathered a lot og GVs ("general view" shots) from the area while the building work continued, then cameras rolled just as a van-load of Canadians arrived to explore their Irish roots.
William- I'll admit to having to look up the word "schlepping" in the dictionary. I've now filed it under 'Words I'd like to use at the next available opportunity.'
Surely Will you should have had 'alledgedly' in there somewhere?