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Tuesday 23 August 2011

Sarah McDermott | 13:01 UK time, Tuesday, 23 August 2011

The battle for Tripoli seems to be in its final stages tonight, with rebels taking over Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's fortified compound in the city, one of the final areas under the Libyan leader's control.

Tonight we are dedicating the whole programme to the day's events and asking what next for Libya?

We will be hearing from key players and our reporters on the ground as we examine the prospects for the last pockets of pro-Gaddafi resistance being swiftly eradicated, for a peaceful transition of power once the fighting stops and what is likely to happen to Colonel Gaddafi - whose whereabouts is currently unknown.

We will look back over more than 40 years of Gaddafi rule, asking if this should be a day for celebration or not, and forward to what kind of Libya we are likely to see without Gaddafi at the helm.

Join Jeremy at 10.30pm.


  • Comment number 1.

    As barrie commented earlier...we intervened initially to prevent a complete massacre in Benghazi, yet now Imperialist John Bull would prefer total massacre in Tripoli in order to complete the rout.

    MI6 Directed Rebel Terrorists In Tripoli Siege

    Strange old world eh!

  • Comment number 2.

    SAS troopers help co-ordinate rebel attacks in Libya

    The Guardian has learned that a number of serving British special forces soldiers, as well as former SAS troopers, are advising and training rebel forces, although their presence is officially denied

  • Comment number 3.

    I wonder if I can resign and get paid for the next three years? No, I thought not! It just shows what a screwed up world Coulson, Cameron and News International live in

  • Comment number 4.

    Now ask whether Neil 'Wolfman' Wallis was still receiving 'severance' payments from NI when he was working for the Metropolitan Police. Maybe that is why he was able to put in the cheapest price?

  • Comment number 5.

  • Comment number 6.

    Murdoch's Schilling

    Exclusive: Hacks Silenced Until After Tory Conference
    Lots More News of the World Compromise Agreements

    Andrew Neil didn’t receive staged severance payments from NI and neither did David Yelland!

    Wavey Davey may just become...well...wavey Davey!

  • Comment number 7.


    Something to do with US not being common savages?

    Nick says it's OK.

  • Comment number 8.


    Westminster governance UNDER Tony Blair was feudal - nothing has changed.
    Westminster was complicit in torture, and did a lot of gratuitous killing - mostly done to Johnnie Foreigner. (Is that less, or more, reprehensible than 'killing ones own people?')

    But Westminster had membership of a bully's club. . . Nuff sed.

    Do the British people - the majority, who want nothing to do with Westminster's feudal, deranged hypocrisy, and its strutting Panjandrums - want any part of this?

    I am of the view the British just want an honourable state, concerned primarily with the wellbeing of its people, and managed by MATURE GOVERNANCE OF INTEGRITY.

  • Comment number 9.

    There's no point in adding a comment, I'm sure you all know about this....

    And this one just makes me chuckle...

    And just where do these businesses think their customers are going to come from in the future. Immigrants send billions home every year to their home country, they don't spend it here, so eventually these lovely employers will run out of people that can afford their goods and services.

    Hhhhhmmm and old Tory Bliar was wrong about his "edukashun, edukashun, edukashun", just another word like "war, war, war", he just banded about!

  • Comment number 10.

    so what's going to happen to gadaffi's billions in the city?

  • Comment number 11.


    Writ large Lizzy.


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